【問題】Hordeolum cause?推薦回答


Michael Clarke is Associate Professor in the National Security College of the Australian National University


Michael Clarke is Associate Professor in the National Security College of the Australian National University

作者:Phillips, Steven,Parish, Dana

STEVEN PHILLIPS, MD, is a renowned, Yale-trained physician and researcher who lectures internationally. He regularly appears in the media as an expert on Lyme and other chronic infections. In priva...

作者:Tiwari, Rajnish

Dr. Rajnish Tiwari is a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Technology and Innovation Management of Hamburg University of Technology in Germany. He leads the research program Global Innovat...

作者:Seidule, Ty

TY SEIDULE is Professor Emeritus of History at West Point where he taught for two decades. He served in the U.S. Army for thirty-six years, retiring as a brigadier general. He is the Chamberlain Fe...


  原來我們所認為的「健康飲食」、「蔬果飲食」,正是讓人類生病的源頭!   過敏、疲勞、關節炎、腸躁症、腎臟病……可能都是來自於你的飲食!   美國權威營養學醫師──史提芬‧岡德里(Dr. Steven R Gundry M.D.),帶來全新徹底顛覆飲食思維的科普知識!   美國Amazon網站書籍總榜TOP 2!   《紐約時報》非文學類書籍榜第2名!   Amazon網站健康類>疾病與...

作者:Kellman, Raphael

Raphael Kellman, MD, graduate of Albert Einstein College of Medicine, is the author of The Microbiome Breakthrough, The Microbiome Diet, and other books on health and healing. Dr. Kellman manages ...

作者:Seidule, Ty

TY SEIDULE is Professor Emeritus of History at West Point where he taught for two decades. He served in the U.S. Army for thirty-six years, retiring as a brigadier general. He is the Chamberlain Fe...

作者:Allison Cpps, David,Peters P. Eng, Harold

David Allison, CPPS, has 15+ years of facilitating RCA teams, and teaching RCA methodology for patient safety and risk management professionals. He has over 30 years of experience in healthcare and...

作者:Laslie, Brian D.

Brian D. Laslie is deputy command historian at the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) and United States Northern Command (USNORTHCOM) and adjunct professor of history at the United St...


大數據為什麼不夠聰明? 比機率更強大的思考工具又是什麼?   電腦科學界諾貝爾獎「圖靈獎」得主暨貝氏網路研發先驅Judea Pearl總結畢生研究成果,聯手獲獎的統計學家Dana Mackenzie,提出改變人工智慧及科學界的重要工具!《快思慢想》作者暨諾貝爾獎得主康納曼、《大演算》作者多明哥斯、谷歌網路推廣長文特‧瑟夫、微軟研究實驗室主任艾瑞克‧霍爾維茲等人重磅推薦!   ▎大數據看...

作者:Phillips, Steven,Parish, Dana

Steven Phillips, MD, is a renowned, Yale-trained physician and researcher who lectures internationally. He regularly appears in the media as an expert on Lyme and other chronic infections. In priv...


  拒絕忍痛、拒絕止痛藥   深受慢性疼痛之苦的人一定要看!      穀物中的麩質,是引起體內發炎與影響自體免疫系統的來源   30天‧無藥‧無麩質飲食   就能消除慢性疼痛,並在15天內體驗顯著改善。   飲食,不是零和遊戲;疼痛,更絕非僅存於大腦之中。   而是一個你「完全」有能力改變的現狀。   本書破解了一般常見穀物和健康食物廣為流傳的迷思與疑惑,讓你真正理解慢性疼痛與錯誤飲食的...

