【問題】Hymenolepis nana?推薦回答

作者:Henn, Sophy

Sophy Henn is the acclaimed picture book maker behind Where Bear?, Pass It On, Edie, and the adorable Pom Pom series. She studied at Camberwell and Central Saint Martins, and is a graduate of the M...

作者:Nkweti, Nana

Nana Nkweti is a Caine Prize finalist and alumna of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop. Her work has garnered fellowships from MacDowell, Kimbilio, Ucross, and the Wurlitzer Foundation, among others. She i...

作者:Nana Chen

  花的姿態,喜歡的時光。   第一本結合鮮花╳乾燥花的花藝書,   透過台灣新生代花藝師Nana Chen的詮釋,   我們與花相遇、感受生命。   切下了綻開的花朵,人為地束縛了原屬於大自然的花,   如同人類,具有生命,這朵花也擁有了青春與頹敗,   於是在有限的時間軸裡,我們重新演繹花的本質。   唯有感受生命,才能真正理解那絕無僅有的美麗。   本書嘗試透過40個花葉創作,...


這一次,從街屋認識台南!   台南讓人流連忘返的原因,其中之一就是復古懷舊的氛圍,   透過街屋,一起走讀府城73處凝結了舊時光的美麗老屋與故事!   走進歷史與人文的府城街屋   林朝成/台南社區大學校長   本書所圖繪書寫的街屋,時間軸以日本時代至戰後初期的建築為限,空間軸則涵蓋台南舊城區域及其周邊街巷的範圍,這時期的街屋,有著各種風情,混搭和、洋與台人的各種風格和建築表現元素,在...

作者:Nana Akua

  我的美麗飾品是熱縮片!   從平面到立體,經過簡單上色、加熱塑型、黏合加工,就能完成掛飾、胸針、手鍊、耳環、戒指……等晶透感的配飾物件。      ◆上色   除了以油性馬克筆、色鉛筆、粉彩塗色&勾勒輪廓的基本作法,本書也收錄了以暈染作出漸層變化的進階技巧&利用印章蓋印的趣味玩法。你也可以試著以不同的作法呈現出不同的美感,或試著結合不同的上色方式,實驗出自己獨特的技法&風格。    ...

作者:Raine, Nana-Ama

作者:Juliano, Larissa,Clever Publishing

Larissa Juliano is an elementary teacher in upstate New York. She lives in her hometown with her husband and three young children. Being a mom and wife have been the greatest blessings of her life....

作者:Nana Chen

隨著季節、花語挑選花材,打造一室一刻的美 四季花草物語X簡單花藝手法 喜愛英式優雅、韓式中性簡約花藝風格的花草控必備!   將花草搬進平凡的日子裡,讓美好的事物進入生活,   簡單擁有讓自己愉悅放鬆的興趣。   ──基礎簡單花藝技巧   基本用具、花材的幾何色彩搭配公式、花材處理和花器選擇。   ──四季花草物語和花藝作品教學   花草有情,以文字捕捉植物代表的意義和最迷人的風貌。...

作者:Botton, Joyce de

Joyce received her Baccalaureate as a philosophy major in 1956 from the Lycee Francais in Alexandria, Egypt. With the onset of the Suez Canal War later that same year, she married and was forced to...

作者:Provatas, Nikolas,Pinomaa, Tatu,Ofori-Opoku, Nana

Nikolas Provatas is a professor of physics at McGill University and holds a Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) in Computational Materials Science. He is also the Scientific Director of the McGill High ...

作者:Publishing Group, The Life Graduate

