【問題】Korsakoff syndrome psychology?推薦回答


透過腸道食療,就能改善自閉症、憂鬱症、過動症等情緒障礙!   一位自閉症兒童的母親/營養學醫師的科學臨床證實   孩童和成人的情緒障礙,原來是「腸道」出問題   透過三階段飲食計畫,修復腸道,即能找回穩定情緒   ★ 英美AMAZON書店長銷10年,讀者4.5顆星評價   ★ 歐美知名醫師、營養師、心理師齊聲推薦   ★ 自閉兒、過動兒等情緒障礙團體感心推薦   20年前,平均10,0...

作者:Roach, Jason

作者:Bolen, Barbara Bradley, Ph.d./ Thompson, W. Grant, M.D. (FRW)

One of the challenges of living with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is coping with the way that stress triggers the illness. In this book, Dr. Bolen, a clinical psychologist, provides a comprehensi...

作者:Barry, John A.

This book provides an overview of the latest knowledge of the psychological aspects of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and paves the way for advances in this rapidly evolving field. Taking an evi...


  《華爾街日報》、亞馬遜書店暢銷書   現代社會最重要、卻被嚴重被低估的技能   看穿投資與理財的本質,改進理財的缺陷、偏見與不良行為   人人都能邁向財務自由的人生   世界上有賺很多錢卻破產的人,也有賺很少錢卻有辦法捐大錢做慈善的人。為什麼?   因為理財結果與運氣和風險有關,而且不受才智與個人努力影響,更重要的是,與其了解許多理財專業知識,適當的言行舉止更加關鍵。   這就是致...

作者:Schaverien, Joy

Boarding School Syndrome is an analysis of the trauma of the 'privileged' child sent to boarding school at a young age. Innovative and challenging, Joy Schaverien offers a psychological analysis of...

作者:Fatemi, Sayyed Mohsen

Dr. Sayyed Mohsen Fatemi completed his postdoctoral studies in the department of psychology at Harvard University where he has also served as a Teaching Fellow, an Associate and a Fellow. He curren...

作者:Kaufman, Gershen

In this classic volume, Kaufman synthesizes object relations theory, interpersonal theory, and, in particular, Silvan Tompkins's affect theory, to provide a powerful and multidimensional view of sh...


Norman T. Feather, Emeritus Professor, Flinders University, Australia

