
作者:Selby, Binx/ Fong, Linda Jade/ Cegavske, Caitlin/ Kerr, Robert

Two-week scientific breakthrough program with complete instructions and 170 gourmet gluten-free, grain-free, & Paleo diet recipes in a protocol that quickly reduces inflammation, cholesterol, and a...

作者:Wang, David Q.-h./ Neuschwander-tetri, Brent A./ Portincasa, Piero

The liver is a vital organ involved in numerous metabolic processes such as cholesterol and bile acid metabolism, biliary lipid secretion, and bile formation. Cholesterol balance across the liver h...

作者:Yassine, Hussein (EDT)

This timely, concise title provides an important update on clinical lipid management. Using information from recent clinical trials and in special populations, the book begins by offering an easy-t...


Ketogenic diet with Best 75 delicious recipes This book will help you to understand secretes of ketogenic diet with 75 delicious recipes The Ketogenic Diet is a medically and scientifically proven ...


※本書原名《5分鐘降血脂》,現易名為《馬上開始降血脂,九種自我調養法,立刻遠離高膽固醇》   高血脂可能造成腦中風、心肌梗塞、腎衰竭!?   高血脂是促進肝硬化、糖尿病、高血壓的罪魁禍首之一!?   小心!千萬不要輕忽高血脂的傷害!   本書提供飲食、藥膳、藥酒、藥茶、中西藥、運動、理療、起居   九種降血脂法,給您全方位的健康調理!   不用吃藥,也能快速跟高血脂說掰掰!   ◆什...

作者:首爾大學癌症醫院 癌症健康促進中心

只要懂得方法,罹癌者也能活得比癌前更健康!   衛生福利部公布的最新癌症調查,癌症時鐘再度撥快   平均每5分40秒就有一人罹癌,與前一年度相比快了八秒!!!   ?了解它:了解可能誘發復發、二次癌、轉移的原因,避免衍生病情。   ?接受它:得到癌症已經是不變的事實,但癌症並非不能治癒,重點是要好好接受治療,持續追蹤。   ?改變它:癌後的身體狀況會大不如前,但透過系統化的健康管理,改變...

作者:Guttersen, Connie, Ph.D./ Dedomenico, Mark, M.d.

All You Need is Love: From the New York Times best-selling author of The Sonoma Diet and the acclaimed medical director of 20/20 Lifestyles--one of the country's most successful weight loss clinics...

作者:Perumal, Santhanam (EDT)/ R., Thirunavukkarasu A. (EDT)/ Pachiappan, Perumal (EDT)

This book compiles the latest findings in the field of marine and brackishwater aquaculture. It covers significant topics such as techniques of culture of live feeds (microalgae, rotifer, Artemia, ...

作者:Esselstyn, Rip

The runaway New York Times bestselling diet that sparked a health revolution is simpler and easier to follow than ever The Engine 2 Diet has sold hundreds of thousands of copies and inspired a plan...

作者:Valtchev, Kiril

If you are interested in learning the important factors that affect your cholesterol, look no further. This will be the best information you will need in order to lower your cholesterol and keep it...

作者:Cummins, Ivor/ Gerber, Jeffry, M.D./ Eades, Michael R., M.D. (FRW)

You can take control of your health, lose weight, prevent disease, and enjoy a long and healthy life. The unique nutritional program outlined in Eat Rich, Live Long is designed by experts to help y...

作者:Reader’s Digest Association (COR)

Heal What Ails You with Delicious Superfoods Discover the incredible healing power of everyday food--treat the most common conditions naturally, safely, and deliciously--and live pain free, allergy...

作者:Zellin, Pier,Zellin, Pia,Zellin, Paul

EXTENDED EDITION including beach yoga poetry and new articles from 2019: This 5th book titled "ZERO MEDITATION: NO NEED TO MEDITATE - LIFE HAPPENS ANYWAY " by the League of Empty Ones (LDL) contain...


超!食!用! 食療先修班帶你打好基本功 建立正確飲食觀念   「超食用」生活資訊   ◎蜂蜜水、檸檬水?真的有用嗎?   中醫認為蜂蜜具有增加免疫能力、促進消化等功效,但須注意一次飲用過多,易使血糖快速上升且增加熱量;檸檬含有豐富的植化素,每天飲用40~50°C的溫熱檸檬水能夠促進肝臟解毒作用,但若飲用濃度過高的檸檬水,可能因胃酸分泌過多而傷胃。   ◎食品成分標示   食品原料的排列...


輕鬆挑戰營養師, 培養專業, 健體養生!   生理學、病理學、生化學的基礎!   醫院、各級學校、照護機構、社福機構……全台灣都需要營養師!   養生餐、減肥餐、美容餐……靈活運用營養學,引領現代人的飲食風潮!   兼具理論與實用性!營養學初學者、養生達人不可錯過!   擺脫艱澀化學反應,基礎營養學深入淺出,   了解能量來源、代謝過程、營養素功能,正確飲食。   世茂好書‧精銳盡...

