
作者:Simic, Mima,Baudinet, Julian,Blessitt, Esther

Mima Simic is Joint Head at the Maudsley Centre for Child and Adolescent Eating Disorders and a Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist. She is internationally recognized expert and trainer in...

作者:Simic, Mima,Baudinet, Julian,Blessitt, Esther

Mima Simic is Joint Head at the Maudsley Centre for Child and Adolescent Eating Disorders and a Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist. She is internationally recognized expert and trainer in...


  本書突破精神醫學看待身心症的線性架構觀點,強調治療厭食症必須從整體家族脈絡著手。作者群是跨專業的醫療團隊(包含小兒科醫師、精神科醫師、心理學專家及醫療照護人員等),他們在這群厭食症孩子性命攸關的縫隙中,穿梭在家庭失調的糾纏脈絡裡,細心拆解家庭動力系統共構的困境,找出孩子與家庭成員得以生存並轉化的路徑。   書中除了以詳細數據與醫療記錄來報告治療身心症個案的成效外,還細膩記載四個家庭的會談...

作者:Schmidt, Ulrike/ Startup, Helen/ Treasure, Janet

Based on the authors' pioneering work and up-to-date research at London's Maudsley hospital, A Cognitive Interpersonal Therapy Workbook for Treating Anorexia Nervosa provides adults with anorexia ...

作者:Hall, Lindsey/ Ostroff, Monika

Anorexia nervosa, in simple terms, is self-starvation. However, it is a complex problem with intricate roots; and, recovery is best accomplished with a grasp of sound information, specific tasks, a...

作者:Burkert, Nathalie Tatjana

This book provides evidence about an altered taste processing due to the administration of a sweet, sour, or umami taste in patients suffering from Anorexia Nervosa (AN). Moreover, the results show...

作者:Giordano, Simona

Simona Giordano presents the first full philosophical study of ethical issues in the treatment of anorexia and bulimia nervosa. Beginning with a comprehensive analysis of these conditions and an ex...

作者:Emmett, Steven W. (EDT)

First published in 1985. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.


  「當刀子劃過手腕,我自己也消失了。這麼做的時候,焦點就只在身體的這塊地方,什麼都沒有──腦子一片空白。我開始割,很痛。再割深一點點,痛多了。我移開刀片,傷口更痛,開始流血了。流血意味著我傷得嚴重到足以驅離其他的痛。…」  從事輔導工作的人士,幾乎都遇見過自我傷害的個案,我們也常在報上看到有人割腕的新聞。為什麼有那麼多年輕的孩子(及許多成年人),會一再以割腕、燒燙、撞牆等方式,來傷害自己的...

作者:Treasure, Janet/ Schmidt, Ulrike

The publication four years ago of Getting Better Bit(e) by Bit(e), written by two eating disorder specialists at London's world-famous Maudsley Hospital, was a milestone in the treatment of bulimia...

作者:Brooks, Mary

"In this chaotic, desperate storm the brain tries hard to gather its fragmented parts, and anchor down the guy lines. To weather out this hopelessness, this turmoil and this pain, -prevent disinteg...

作者:Lamparello, Adam

Ten-Mile Morning is a true story about a man's battle to overcome his five-year struggle with anorexia nervosa. Written from a painfully honest perspective, Adam Lamparello discusses his past addic...

