【問題】Ptt man?推薦回答

作者:Pilkey, Dav

新英雄狗超人打擊犯罪的痛快故事, 緊張又爆笑的情節,生活化不按牌理出牌的幽默對白, 從頭笑到尾,只要翻開,就捨不得停下來!   ★蟬聯紐約時報暢銷書排行榜,讀者一致給予5顆星好評。   ★此盒裝套書,內容包含Dog Man第1-3集精裝版。   作者戴夫‧皮爾奇 (Dav Pilkey),在美國被喻為天才型的得獎漫畫家及繪本作家,擅長幽默搞笑筆觸和畫作,曾榮獲凱迪克,繼內褲超人之後創...

作者:Pilkey, Dav

When DAV PILKEY was a kid, he was diagnosed with ADHD and dyslexia. Dav was so disruptive in class that his teachers made him sit out in the hallway every day. Luckily, Dav loved to draw and make u...

作者:Pilkey, Dav

When DAV PILKEY was a kid, he was diagnosed with ADHD and dyslexia. Dav was so disruptive in class that his teachers made him sit out in the hallway every day. Luckily, Dav loved to draw and make u...

作者:Pilkey, Dav

When DAV PILKEY was a kid, he was diagnosed with ADHD and dyslexia. Dav was so disruptive in class that his teachers made him sit out in the hallway every day. Luckily, Dav loved to draw and make u...

作者:Pilkey, Dav

When DAV PILKEY was a kid, he was diagnosed with ADHD and dyslexia. Dav was so disruptive in class that his teachers made him sit out in the hallway every day. Luckily, Dav loved to draw and make u...

作者:Buckley, James

James Buckley Jr. is a prolific author of nonfiction for young readers, with more than 150 books to his credit (and still typing!). He is the author of more than a dozen titles in The New York Time...

作者:Pilkey, Dav

When DAV PILKEY was a kid, he was diagnosed with ADHD and dyslexia. Dav was so disruptive in class that his teachers made him sit out in the hallway every day. Luckily, Dav loved to draw and make u...

作者:Ryan, Tom

作者:Marvel Press Book Group

作者:Jocelyn, Marthe

Toronto-born MARTHE JOCELYN is the award-winning author and illustrator of over twenty books for children of all ages. Her most recent picture book for Tundra (which she also illustrated), Sam Sort...

