【問題】Pull elbow orthobullet?推薦回答

作者:Samantha Meredith

專為幼兒設計的互動式遊戲書, 用簡單的敘事、可愛的插圖,啟發想像, 翻開這本硬頁遊戲書,一起逛街去!     Little World(小小世界)系列,是專為幼兒設計的互動式硬頁遊戲書,帶領孩子從熟悉的景觀開始,探索遠方的世界,從城市、叢林、農場到海洋、外太空,把我們大大的世界濃縮在一本小小的書裡,讓孩子盡情遨遊。     抵達熱鬧的購物中心,書上的小朋友正要試穿衣服,請...


New York-born illustrator Allison Black started her own stationery company, Hip Hip!, in 2015 and is experienced in creating artwork for fashion, homeware, stationery, and books.

作者:Cena, John

JOHN CENA is a #1 New York Times bestselling author, multifaceted entertainer, and dedicated philanthropist. A longtime WWE superstar, his films include Ferdinand (2017); F9, the next installment o...


Larry Anderson is a bronze, silver, and gold certified lean practitioner (AME, Shingo, SME) with more than forty years of operational excellence experience. Larry is certified as a facilitator for ...


Bethany Casagranda, D.O. is an academic Musculoskeletal (MSK) radiologist from Pittsburgh, PA. She completed her residency and fellowship training at the University of Pittsburgh where she remained...

作者:Allison Black

專為幼兒設計的互動式遊戲書, 用簡單的敘事、可愛的插圖,啟發想像, 讓這本小書帶你飛向月亮,探索宇宙!   Little World(小小世界)系列,是專為幼兒設計的互動式硬頁遊戲書,帶領孩子從熟悉的景觀開始,探索遠方的神奇世界,從城市、叢林到海洋、外太空,把我們大大的世界濃縮在一本小小的書裡,讓孩子盡情遨遊。   想來一趟宇宙奇航嗎?沒問題,跟著太空人一起登上太空梭吧!經過了長時間...

作者:Dewdney, Anna

Anna Dewdney was an award-winning children’s-book author, illustrator, teacher, mother, and enthusiastic proponent of literacy and reading aloud to children. She was the author of the bestselling L...

作者:Cena, John

JOHN CENA is a #1 New York Times bestselling author, multifaceted entertainer, and dedicated philanthropist. A longtime WWE superstar, his films include Ferdinand;F9, the next installment of the Fa...


根據破1.5億次瀏覽超瘋傳影片〈千禧世代在職場上出了什麼問題〉 全新增訂跨世代溝通合作章節與附錄!最新解答盡在本書! 增訂版上市即登amazon分類排行榜TOP1      ★TED 超過4000萬人跟隨的新世代必讀帶人學   ★《彭博商業周刊》、《哈芬頓郵報》年度必讀商業選書   ★《紐約時報》、《華爾街日報》暢銷書   ★華爾街日報、哥倫比亞廣播電視、Inc.雜誌、Entrepreneu...


Deepak N. Bhatia, MS(Orth), DNB(Orth), is a consultant shoulder and upper limb surgeon at leading hospitals in Mumbai and was an Asst. Professor of Orthopaedic surgery at the Seth GS Medical Colleg...


  「美國科學教師協會」推薦給小學生的傑出科學童書   正確建構國小自然課程中最抽象、重要的物理觀念   最好懂——適合國小低中年級閱讀   最好做——取材日常用品動手實驗   物理就在生活裡。這套物理繪本,幫助小學生理解日常生活裡的物理現象,提早培養科學素養!   ★四大主題,扣合國小自然課程:   ✔水的密度﹙國小中年級﹚   ✔光波的原理﹙國小中年級﹚   ✔磁鐵的性質﹙國小中年...

作者:Priddy, Roger

作者:Campbell Books

   Push, pull and slide the moving mechanisms in this brilliant board book to bring the LEGO police patrol to life.    The LEGO police officers need your help! Push and pull the tabs to make the L...

作者:Allison Black

專為幼兒設計的互動式硬頁遊戲書, 把大大的世界濃縮在小小的書裡, 讓孩子用雙手忙碌地探索城市,學習新知!   Little World(小小世界)系列,是專為幼兒設計的互動式硬頁遊戲書,帶領孩子從熟悉的景觀開始,探索遠方的神奇世界,從城市、叢林到海洋、外太空,把我們大大的世界濃縮在一本小小的書裡,讓孩子盡情遨遊。   你知道熱鬧的城市裡有些什麼嗎?讓我們來一趟城市巡遊吧!走在熙熙攘攘...

