【問題】Rumination meaning?推薦回答

作者:Rosenblatt, Josh

A physical and philosophical mediation on why we are drawn to fight each other for sport, what happens to our bodies and brains when we do, and what it all meansAnyone with guts or madness in him c...


  在這次「情定終身」個展中,吳建興(1987-)嘗試以自己的終身大事作為啟動點,演繹婚姻關係及其儀式「展演」的可能性,探索聯繫個體與個體之間的共生關係。他不只將婚紗攝影、紅地毯、婚宴乃至婚禮儀式鑲嵌於展覽之中,他甚至要求觀眾「出雙入對」的連袂進場--先以手環纏繞兩人手腕,再入場參觀展覽。相較於吳建興之前的作品,這樣的手法與表現,的確不是我們熟悉的。 一直以來,他善用日常的物件,探討物件外在...

作者:Rosenblatt, Josh/ Knezevich, Joe (NRT)

Finally, we can talk about Fight Club or, A physical and philosophical mediation on why we are drawn to fight each other for sport, what happens to our bodies and brains when we do, and what it all...

作者:Rosenblatt, Josh/ Knezevich, Joe (NRT)

Finally, we can talk about Fight Club or, A physical and philosophical mediation on why we are drawn to fight each other for sport, what happens to our bodies and brains when we do, and what it all...

作者:Rosenblatt, Josh/ Knezevich, Joe (NRT)

Finally, we can talk about Fight Club or, A physical and philosophical mediation on why we are drawn to fight each other for sport, what happens to our bodies and brains when we do, and what it all...

作者:Harris, James Henry

Description: This book is about a Black man's reading of Mark Twain's Adventures of Huckleberry Finn for the first time while in graduate school. The story captures his emotional experience with Tw...

作者:McCann, Colum

NAMED ONE OF THE TEN BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY CHICAGO TRIBUNE AND ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY The New York Times Book Review - NPR - Los Angeles Times - The Boston Globe - The Seattle Tim...

作者:Wenzel, Amy, Ph.D.

Pregnancy loss can be devastating, regardless of whether it is early or late in pregnancy or in the short period after a baby is born. In many instances, similar emotions are experienced when a cou...

作者:Verdieu, Jennifer

We matter owes our structure to the forces of adhesion, cohesion, attraction and repulsion. Keeping balance is our main goal. Memories make a contribution to the balance we seek, but memory is frag...

作者:Donovan, Bama William

Since the early days of film, the representation of masculinity has changed considerably. In the beginning, men instinctively knew right from wrong. They rode to the rescue and saved the day in the...

作者:Griffith, Joanne (EDT)

The Obama presidency represented a major milestone in African American history. The very presence of a black First Family had a profound cultural impact, but did the Obama White House actually addr...

作者:Neuhaus, Richard John

"A profoundly serious rumination on the meaning of life and especially on the meaning of death. Father Neuhaus's book prompts us to think seriously about our own inevitable death, as well as the wa...

作者:Arthur, Chris

In his latest collection, Hummingbirds Between the Pages, prizewinning Irish essayist Chris Arthur muses on subjects ranging from Charles Darwin's killing of a South American fox to the carnal musi...

作者:Joshi, S. T.

The Irish writer Lord Dunsany (1878-1957) has suffered a regrettable decline in critical esteem. Although one of the most popular and critically acclaimed writers of the early 20th century, he seem...

作者:Smith, Curtis

Slaughterhouse-Five is a seminal novel of contemporary literature, a rumination on war, space, time and the meaning of life and death. In Kurt Vonnegut's existential classic, we meet Billy Pilgrim,...

