【問題】Visuospatial neglect?推薦回答


  本套書組合:《童年情感忽視:為何我們總是渴望親密,卻又難以承受?》+《童年情感忽視・實戰篇:長大後的我,如何和伴侶、孩子、父母,建立情感連結?》   全球首倡「童年情感忽視」(CEN)議題的心理經典&成年子女實踐版!   《童年情感忽視:為何我們總是渴望親密,卻又難以承受?》   冷漠疏離、缺乏安全感、不敢表達真實情感的人,   往往來自「情感真空」的家庭。   他們不是不愛你,只...


冷漠疏離、缺乏安全感、不敢表達真實情感的人, 往往來自「情感真空」的家庭。 他們不是不愛你,只是沒有能力回應你。 修復童年被忽視的情感需求,終止世代情緒傳承,找回愛的能力!   ★全球首倡「童年情感忽視」(CEN)議題的心理經典   ★一覽12種情感失能的父母類型   ★受忽視者成年後的10種心理特徵   ★隨附「感覺詞彙表」(841種形容詞),練習指認自己的情緒   「為何別人常說我看...

作者:Téllez, Michelle

Michelle Téllez, an assistant professor of Mexican American Studies, writes about transnational community formations, Chicana feminism, and gendered migration. She co-edited The Chicana M(other)wor...


  本套書組合:《童年情感忽視:為何我們總是渴望親密,卻又難以承受?》+《大腦依戀障礙:為何我們總是用錯的方法,愛著對的人?》+《童年情感忽視・實戰篇:長大後的我,如何和伴侶、孩子、父母,建立情感連結?》   《童年情感忽視:為何我們總是渴望親密,卻又難以承受?》   冷漠疏離、缺乏安全感、不敢表達真實情感的人,   往往來自「情感真空」的家庭。   他們不是不愛你,只是沒有能力回應你。...

作者:Cohn, Ruth

Ruth Cohn, MFT, practices psychotherapy and sex therapy and specializes in work with survivors of childhood trauma and neglect. She is also the author of Coming Home to Passion: Restoring Loving Se...

作者:Vanderslott, Samantha

Samantha Vanderslott is a University Research Lecturer at the University of Oxford. She studies health and society topics with a focus on neglected tropical diseases and vaccine attitudes.

作者:Téllez, Michelle

Michelle Téllez, an assistant professor of Mexican American Studies, writes about transnational community formations, Chicana feminism, and gendered migration. She co-edited The Chicana M(other)wor...

作者:Chapple, Simon

For over two decades Simon Chapple was the classic example of a heavy daily ’at home’ drinker. Enduring daily hangovers, engaging in regretful behaviour, suffering from severe anxiety and a complet...

作者:Rachman, Arnold

Arnold Wm. Rachman, Ph.D., FAGPA is a trained individual and group psychoanalyst who is a clinician, traumatologist and psychohistorian. He is the author of 125 scholarly articles, 13 books, and 25...

作者:McCoy, Monica L.,Keen, Stefanie M.

Dr. Monica L. McCoy is a professor of psychology at Converse College in Spartanburg, South Carolina.Dr. Stefanie M. Keen is a professor of psychology at the University of South Carolina Upstate in ...

作者:Rachman, Arnold

Arnold Wm. Rachman, Ph.D., FAGPA is a trained individual and group psychoanalyst who is a clinician, traumatologist and psychohistorian. He is the author of 125 scholarly articles, 13 books, and 25...

作者:McCoy, Monica L.,Keen, Stefanie M.

Dr. Monica L. McCoy is a professor of psychology at Converse College in Spartanburg, South Carolina.Dr. Stefanie M. Keen is a professor of psychology at the University of South Carolina Upstate in ...

