【問題】Worthwhile 中文?推薦回答

作者:Bowers, Terrell L.

Phoenix Cline had seen the error of his ways and wanted to do something worthwhile with his life. Helping a few indentured Chinese didn't seem like a bad start. But making dangerous enemies by oppo...

作者:Cutright, Melitta

"One parent is worth a thousand teachers."--Chinese Proverb. The sound, practical advice found in this worthwhile guide will help parents--a child's first and most important teachers--instill in th...

作者:Hwang, David Henry/ Rodgers, Richard/ Lee, C. Y./ Hammerstein, Oscar

"I loved this show so much I laughed hysterically and cried during moments that surprised me with feelings of recognition. This new Flower Drum Song, with its references to the new and the old, ha...

作者:Gang, Fan (EDT)/ Stern, Nicholas (EDT)/ Edenhofer, Ottmar (EDT)/ Shanda, Xu (EDT)/ Eklund, Klas (EDT)

China faces many modernization challenges, but perhaps none is more pressing than that posed by climate change. China must find a new economic growth model that is simultaneously environmentally su...

作者:Lin, Derek

The perfect book for readers who are interested in Taoism and want a little daily inspiration. The Tao of Daily Life combines ancient Eastern wisdom with practical application-perfect for busy West...

作者:Lena Dunham

  「我覺得,認為自己的人生故事精彩到必須公諸於世的人很帶種,特別是女性。」 --莉娜‧丹恩Lena Dunham   ★美國亞馬遜暢銷回憶錄、傳記第一名    ★《紐約時報》、《環球郵報》、《圖書館雜誌》譽此書為2014年度最佳書籍    ★美國藍燈書屋以$350萬美元天價買下版權,丹恩魅力,狂掃全球!   ★紐約女孩人手一本,全球熱銷,狂賣23國、譯成21種語言!   我很想說我...

作者:Feldman, Noah

A bold and thought-provoking look at the future of U.S.-China relations, and how their coming power struggle will reshape the competitive playing field for nations around the world The Cold War see...

作者:Francia, Luis H. (EDT)

English is often a primary literary language for Filipino writers--not only for those in the Philippines but for those resident in the US; both groups are included in this anthology of 31 stories a...

作者:Fenwick, Tara (EDT)/ Farrell, Lesley (EDT)

How can educational research have more impact? What processes of knowledge exchange are most effective for increasing the uses of research results? How can research-produced knowledge be better 'mo...

作者:Olberding, Amy

In a time of fractious politics, being rude can feel wickedly gratifying, while being polite can feel simple-minded or willfully na�ve. Do manners and civility even matter now? Is it worthwhile to ...

作者:Fenwick, Tara (EDT)/ Farrell, Lesley (EDT)

How can educational research have more impact? What processes of knowledge exchange are most effective for increasing the uses of research results? How can research-produced knowledge be better 'mo...

作者:Page, Cecelia Frances

STIMULATING AWARENESS ABOUT LIFE is an invigorating book of 65 worthwhile topics. HUMAN INTEREST topics are Sunny Acres For Homeless People, Unhappy And Happy Feelings, The Christmas Gift, Living I...


如果北韓是綻放笑容的地獄, 他就是在地獄裡幽微閃爍的螢火蟲之光……   韓國kyobo、英國Amazon書店讀者★★★★★驚世推薦!   我不是用筆和墨水寫這本書,我用的是血淚和骨頭。或許這些故事像沙漠一樣貧瘠、像荒野雜草一樣粗糙,或是像石製工具一樣不堪,但親愛的讀者,請您讀它吧! ──潘迪   在這裡,「階級成分」不好的人,連努力的資格都沒有;孩子害怕馬克思肖像,父母就等著被流放;...

作者:Yeo, K. K.

Description: The book is a manifesto or apologia for Chinese Christians. It seeks to articulate how it is possible to maintain a Chinese identity and a Christian identity at the same time without c...

