【問題】apraxia meaning?推薦回答


Margaret O’Neill researches in twentieth-century and contemporary Irish literature, culture and society. She is a postdoctoral researcher at the Irish Centre for Social Gerontology and the Huston S...


  這個世界越來越喧鬧,但我們真的不需要聲音嗎?   從塵囂喧鬧到萬籟俱寂,一段關於深度聆聽的冒險旅程     ★在廣袤無垠的外太空漫步,能獲得無與倫比的寧靜體驗?   ★被高達160分貝的音浪擊中,身體會產生什麼反應?   ★通勤或慢跑我們習慣戴上耳機,用聲音將自己包圍起來,原因何在?   ★用高科技減噪建材打造全世界最安靜的房子,會發生什麼意想不到的事?     追求身心靜定的大疫情時代...

作者:Flynn, Sean

Sean Flynn is a National Magazine Award-winning journalist and author who’s reported from six continents during the past thirty years. A long-time correspondent for GQ, his work has been widely ant...

作者:Puschak, Evan

Evan Puschak is the creator of the popular YouTube channel The Nerdwriter, which has more than three million subscribers. He has a degree in film production from Boston University. Find out more at...


甫出版就登上《紐約時報》暢銷書榜   世界知名物理學家暨暢銷書《優雅的宇宙》作者 再次推出扣人心弦著述,探索悠遠的時光以及人類對目的的追尋。   很少有人能像葛林這樣同時精擅最新宇宙科學及散文書寫。 ——《紐約時報》(2020年度精選好書)     《眺望時間的盡頭》是布萊恩•葛林新推出的宇宙壯麗探索紀實,論述我們面對這片無垠浩瀚如何投身追尋意義。        葛林按照宇宙生成的時間軸,探...

作者:Florence, Anoushka

Anoushka Florence is a UK based author and founder of The Goddess Space. Inspired by her own spiritual journey, she went on a quest to create beautiful sacred spaces to support, hold, and empower w...


人類是如何誕生的?為何地球上會出現像我們這樣的物種? 我們在宇宙中是否有一個特殊的地位或命運? 我們要往哪兒去?為什麼?(這是最難回答的問題)   兩度獲得普立茲獎的當代科學大儒、眾所公認的全球生物學家及自然歷史學家翹楚,   愛德華•威爾森(Edward O. Wilson)   從人類在非洲大草原上的起源開始,談及人類在地球及宇宙中定位的集大成之作。   身為地球上唯一有思考能力的物...

作者:Jacobs, A. J.

A.J. Jacobs is a journalist, lecturer, and human guinea pig who has written four bestselling books--including Drop Dead Healthy and The Year of Living Biblically, which spent three months on the Ne...

作者:Song, Eric

作者:S. Harrison, Larraine

Larraine S Harrison, formerly a Local Authority School Improvement Adviser and author of several drama books covering EYFS to Key Stage 3, has spent many years promoting drama as a tool for teachin...


工作倦怠、充滿挫折、失去目標, 辭職、跳槽、轉行、創業…… 只能解決一時的不順,卻無法一勞永逸, 其實,不是因為你不夠努力, 而是忘記好好生活!   ★ 蘋果和谷歌前策略師艾倫.佩特里.萊恩斯(Ellen Petry Leanse)專文推薦   ★ Amazon.com超過90%讀者給予5顆星評價,零負評   ★ 本書獻給剛出社會進入職場、想轉職換工作、考慮轉行換跑道或創業的你!   你...

作者:Thor, Rosiee

Rosiee Thor began her career as a storyteller by demanding to tell her mother bedtime stories instead of the other way around. She spent her childhood reading by flashlight in the closet until she ...

作者:S. Harrison, Larraine

Larraine S Harrison, formerly a Local Authority School Improvement Adviser and author of several drama books covering EYFS to Key Stage 3, has spent many years promoting drama as a tool for teachin...
