
作者:Muller, Walter E.

Benzodiazepines are the most commonly used psychotropic drugs, prescribed for their action as tranquillizers, hypnotics and anti-epileptics. They act in the brain by binding to specific, highly sel...

作者:Hindmarch, I. (EDT)/ Ott, H. (EDT)

The following papers were presented at an international workshop on benzo- diazepine receptor ligands, memory and information processing, held during the 15th CINP meeting in Puerto Rico in Decembe...

作者:Zamani, Farzad,Doustkhah, Esmail


Dr. Raffa is Adjunct Professor at the University of Arizona College of Pharmacy and Professor Emeritus at Temple University School of Pharmacy. He earned bachelor’s degrees in Chemical Engineering ...


Dr. Raffa is Adjunct Professor at the University of Arizona College of Pharmacy and Professor Emeritus at Temple University School of Pharmacy. He earned bachelor’s degrees in Chemical Engineering ...

作者:Adams, Taite

Beyond Benzos - Benzo Addiction, Benzo Withdrawal, and Long-term Recovery from Benzodiazepines Now termed by some as the world's deadliest pill, the class of drugs known as benzodiazepines are on t...

作者:Salamone, Salvatore J. (EDT)

Prominent experts explain the pharmacology and metabolism of benzodiazepines (LDB) and g-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) and offer powerful and effective methodologies that will enable better detection o...


作者:潘宏 潘薇 賈蓉軒 朱燕華 編

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