【問題】bilateral otitis media中文?推薦回答

作者:Jun, Guan

Guan Jun is a former Southern Weekly journalist and author. Kevin Carrico is senior lecturer in Chinese studies at Monash University.

作者:Jun, Guan

Guan Jun is a former Southern Weekly journalist and author. Kevin Carrico is senior lecturer in Chinese studies at Monash University.

作者:Wu, Shengqing

Shengqing Wu is associate professor of Chinese literature at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. She is the author of Modern Archaics: Continuity and Innovation in the Chinese Lyric...

作者:Wu, Shengqing

Shengqing Wu is associate professor of Chinese literature at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. She is the author of Modern Archaics: Continuity and Innovation in the Chinese Lyric...

作者:Cunningham, Stuart,Craig, David,Lin, Jian

David Craig is a Clinical Associate Professor at the Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism at University of Southern California, USA, and visiting scholar at Shanghai Jiao Tong Universi...

作者:Chen, Shuhan,Lunt, Peter

Shuhan Chen is an emerging digital media and culture researcher working at the University of Sheffield, UK. Her research interests explore the links between digital media and social theories, cultu...

作者:Umejei, Emeka

Emeka Umejei is visiting assistant professor in communication and multimedia design at the American University of Nigeria in Yola, Adamawa State, Nigeria.

作者:Purdy, Daniel L.

作者:Qian, Jun

Mass Media and Chinese ESL Students Abroad: Adopting Host Communication and Culture investigates Chinese ESL students' use of host mass media and how such use enables them to acquire host communica...


萬物聯網   智慧裝置會讓生活更輕鬆,但我們得和它們一樣聰明   文:麥克.西尼斯   譯:屠建明   以前講到「安全性」,要做的只有把門上鎖,把燈點亮。在科技無所不在的今天,我們多了各種一、二十年前無法想像的層面要考量。   數位安全和隱私權的挑戰在於它們的範圍非常廣。我們的生活各層面幾乎無一沒有連線,而且連接裝置數量持續快速成長。攝影機、麥克風、感測器和敏感資料都在便利和效率的偉大...


動手做中學   無論身處課堂或工作室中,自己的專題都是最好的老師   自從做為一種運動和表達自我定義的「動手做(Making)」復興後,現今已發展成為全球社會中的潮流。動手做觸及了所有領域,從業餘愛好者到大型企業都參與其中。或許這是最顯著的例子:現今的學習與教育領域也能看見動手做的身影。各大洲的學校都將Maker教育(Maker Ed)納入課綱,同時結合校內的Makerspace,不僅為...


本書特色   《MAKE》是一本協助讀者將「自己動手做」DIY的概念,運用到生活中所有科技領域的雜誌書,內容涵蓋範圍包括:汽車、玩具、電子、機器、樂器、攝影、木工家具與戶外活動等產品的製作。此外,每本《MAKE》都有著令人興奮且多樣化的專題,讓你隨時隨地都能發揮創意充分活用各種科技,盡情享受改造、破解與重組科技的成就感。   本書透過生動的實物照片、精美的插圖與簡單易懂的文字描述,深入淺...

