【問題】cat scratch disease中文?推薦回答

作者:Smith, Hilary A.

Around the turn of the twentieth century, disorders that Chinese physicians had been writing about for over a millennium acquired new identities in Western medicine--sudden turmoil became cholera; ...

作者:Li, Xiu-min, M.D./ Ehrlich, Henry

This book represents a new and hopeful paradigm for treatment of diseases that are spreading globally as countries adopt Western lifestyles and standards of living. It describes the phenomenal scie...

作者:Joel Grus

  從事資料科學方面的工作時,活用各種相關函式庫、軟體框架、模組、工具包是很好的做法,但如果原本完全不懂資料科學,從頭開始也是一種不錯的做法。本書將採取土法煉鋼從頭學起的方式,帶領讀者認識與資料科學相關的許多工具與演算法。   你只要具備基本的數學能力,以及程式設計的基礎,本書就可以幫你在遇到相關的數學與統計知識時,不至於感到害怕,而且還能讓你學會一個資料科學家所需具備的相關駭客技術。如今...

作者:Lynteris, Christos

Christos Lynteris is a social anthropologist working on biopolitical and visual aspects of infectious disease epidemics. He is Senior Research Associate at CRASSH, University of Cambridge, UK, and ...

作者:Smith, Hilary A.

Around the turn of the twentieth century, disorders that Chinese physicians had been writing about for over a millennium acquired new identities in Western medicine--sudden turmoil became cholera; ...

作者:Moore, James Michael, Dr.

This book is designed for the serious student of Chinese medicine. Both the beginner and advanced practitioner will find this information useful from school to everyday clinical practice. The first...

作者:Moore, James Michael, Dr.

This book is designed for the serious student of Chinese medicine. Both the beginner and advanced practitioner will find this information useful from school to everyday clinical practice. The first...

作者:Xue, Charlie Changli/ Lu, Chuanjian

Evidence-based Clinical Chinese Medicine: Vol. 1 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease provides a 'whole evidence' analysis of the Chinese medicine management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disea...

作者:Zheng, Li

作者:Li, Xiumin/ Ehrlich, Henry

This book represents a new and hopeful paradigm for treatment of diseases that are spreading globally as countries adopt Western lifestyles and standards of living. It describes the phenomenal scie...

作者:Tran, Robert

ABOUT THE BOOK: -This book introduces and teaches the clinical applications of acupuncture. Using the theory of traditional Chinese medicine from the previous study such as the Classic of Internal ...

