【問題】cre u正常值?推薦回答

作者:Office of the Federal Register (U S )

作者:Robbins, Christopher

Christopher Robbins is the founder and president of Familius and the cofounder of Hummingbird Digital Media. He is married to his Familius partner and acquisitions editor, Michele Robbins, and they...

作者:Office of the Federal Register (U S )

作者:Cooksey, Jon

By the late summer of 1944 the allied drive in Western Europe was in danger of stalling as lines of communication became ever more extended. A 'back door' into the heart of Germany had to be found....

作者:Strickland, Patrick

Patrick Strickland was a senior reporter at Al Jazeera English for several years, and now writes for The Guardian, Politico EU, Columbia Journalism Review, and elsewhere. His previous book is Alert...

作者:Ceglio, Clarissa

CLARISSA J. CEGLIO is assistant professor of digital humanities at the University of Connecticut.

作者:Lanning, Michael L.

Lt. Col. (Ret.) Michael Lee Lanning is the author of 26 nonfiction books on military history, sports, and health. More than 1.1million copies of his books are in print in fifteen countries, and edi...


★★★最嚴格、最完整的美軍訓練經典,獻給軍事狂粉與每個登山、露營、野地探險或極限運動的愛好者★★★ 從基本求生守則到不同氣候環境的生存之道,搭配二百三十張插圖,教你如何在自然險境求生,戰勝威脅!   美國國防部編輯出版,長銷50年的野外求生經典著作   「如果你是在城市長大,對大自然所知甚少,這本書中的許多例子將可能拯救你的性命。」 「必藏之書!或是去打獵、釣魚、露營時把它帶著做為保命工具...


《龍馬行》《宛如飛翔》《燃燒吧!劍》作者司馬遼太郎 唯一以中國歷史為主題的小說  顛覆大眾對項羽與劉邦的評價     在中國歷史上最偉大也最具啟發性的競爭對手,莫過於項羽與劉邦──一個是勇猛威武之獅、一個是智謀多端之狐,他們以截然不同的創業風格逐鹿天下,塑造出最具影響力的爭霸大業!司馬遼太郎以縱橫過人的史識與文才寫成《項羽對劉邦:楚漢雙雄爭霸史》,風靡無數東瀛讀者,終被譽為同類書中的絕佳定本...

作者:Colins, Luke

作者:Garstecki, Julia

