
作者:Singh, Sadhna,Smith, Coleen

Dr. Coleen Smith RN, L.Ac., FABORM DAOM is a Doctorate of Acupuncture in the US, specialising in women’s health, including fertility enhancement. She teaches as an adjunct faculty ACTCM in San Fran...

作者:吳大真 等主編

當代名醫學識博深,經驗豐富,絕技秘法,成竹在胸,故臨證常能力挽沉痾,起死回生,如俞慎初五金玉米須清利化結石;仝小林溫陽補腎兼活血、通絡利水消水積等——這些絕技秘法,屢用屢效,深受國內外稱贊。 本書精選近10年來國內學術權威刊物中所發表的各家名醫臨床實踐經驗,展示最新科研成果。為了充分弘揚當代名醫的學術思想、臨床經驗,便于廣大科研工作者、臨床醫生和醫學愛好者閱讀、借鑒,本社特系統出版...

作者:Vasilev, Steven A.

作者:Sharma, S. B. (EDT)

When Franklin published her book on cyst nematodes in 1951, the cyst nematodes were already known as serious pests of brassicas, cereals, potatoes and sugar beets. However, at that time this group ...


序言第一章 治療子宮肌瘤的經驗第二章 子宮肌瘤為何種疾病第三章 子宮肌瘤症狀與種類的特徵第四章 子宮肌瘤的檢查與診斷第五章 子宮肌瘤的治療法第六章 認識子宮的疾病第七章 治療卵巢囊腫的經驗第八章 卵巢囊腫為何種疾病第九章 卵巢囊腫的種類與症狀第十章 卵巢囊腫的檢查與診斷第十一章 卵巢囊腫的治療法與經過 序言   近年來,有關醫學健康方面的書籍琳瑯滿目,應有盡有,正因為現代人都希望在更健康...

作者:Enyemadze, Isaac

作者:Sharma, S. B.

When Franklin published her book on cyst nematodes in 1951, the cyst nematodes were already known as serious pests of brassicas, cereals, potatoes and sugar beets. However, at that time this group ...

