
作者:Tran, Robert

ABOUT THE BOOK: -This book introduces and teaches the clinical applications of acupuncture. Using the theory of traditional Chinese medicine from the previous study such as the Classic of Internal ...

作者:EZ TALK編輯部

「眼睛業障重」「藍瘦香菇」「美魔女」 該如何用英文表達? say 不是「說」嗎?hold 不能表示「掌握」嗎? 讓英文消息靈通的 little bird 給你解答 Pokémon Go(寶可夢)、VR headset(虛擬實境頭戴裝置) 用最新話題,擴大你的英文領域!   ★ 上英文補習班、訂英文雜誌、請英文家教,都學不到的最新英文說法大集合!   ★ 補充學習形式多元,從字彙、例句、片語...

作者:Pearlstein, Richard M.

The nature and goals of terrorist organizations have changed profoundly since the Cold War standoff among the U.S., Soviet, and Chinese superpowers gave way to the current "polyplex" global system,...

作者:Fei, Wu

Sociological and psychiatric studies on suicide based on Western ideas about human nature see suicide as social or individual disorder. Suicide in China, however, should be understood differently. ...


  災後所引起之心理精神方面損傷是造成勞工無法回復正常工作一個很重要的因素,再回到工作後因心理精神損傷而再度離職的比例也逐漸增加。到目前為止,在台灣並沒有針對曾經在職場工作時引起之創傷後壓力症候群(Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD)之罹患率與其危險因子進行調查。由於職傷引起之創傷後壓力症候群已列於職業病補償項目當中,因此,本研究計畫之整體目標為建立職業外...

作者:Chun, Anita

A memoir of suffering and salvation elevated by its heroine/narrator. In 1950, Chun's graduate-school career was cut short when she was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, an incurable autoimmune ...

作者:Tran, Robert

ABOUT THE BOOK: -This book introduces and teaches the clinical applications of acupuncture. Using the theory of traditional Chinese medicine from the previous study such as the Classic of Internal ...

作者:Brown, Richard P./ Gerbarg, Patricia L.

2013 Nautilus Award Winner - Silver Here's a drug-free, side-effect free solution to common stress and mood problems--developed by two physicians. Millions of Americans suffer from mood problems an...


  強迫症(Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, 簡稱OCD)是一種焦慮性疾患(anxiety disorder),特徵為患者腦海中不斷地出現強迫重複性的念頭,讓患者覺得焦慮不安,為消弭這些強迫念頭帶來的困擾,患者會不斷地進行強迫行為。電影愛你在心口難開的男主角就是一位強迫症患者,不停的洗手、檢查門鎖、走路不可以踏道路上的污漬……。強迫症是痛苦指數相當高的一種精神官能...

作者:Chan, Chi Chuen/ Li, William Wai Lim/ Leung, Eugene Chung Ip

This book critically examines the psychology of gambling in Hong Kong and Macao. Covering the history of gambling and its development in the two jurisdictions, it highlights the prevalence and stat...

作者:Sharma, Nutan/ Richman, Elaine, Ph.D.

Parkinson's disease is a movement disorder characterized by tremor, stiffness, and slow gait. It affects 500,000 people in the United States, with approximately 50,000 new cases diagnosed annually....

作者:Rogen, Nick

Can a baby who's been forsaken half a world away save a wayward teen from self- destruction? Nick Rogen is your average small-town teenager until his mother's bipolar disorder interrupts his youth ...

作者:Meletis, Chris D./ Barker, Jason E.

Two naturopaths introduce us to the world of brain biochemistry, translating the science into laymen's terms, so that the reader can understand the potential power of herbs and nutrients to enhance...

作者:Rogen, Nick

Can a baby who's been forsaken half a world away save a wayward teen from self- destruction? Nick Rogen is your average small-town teenager until his mother's bipolar disorder interrupts his youth ...

作者:Altman, Nathaniel

Explores the latest scientific research on the healing powers of honey - Explains the physiological reasons why honey is so effective and includes recipes for honey-based remedies for many differen...

