【問題】eastern equine encephalitis中文?推薦回答

作者:Xu, Xing,Sit, Helena Hing Wa,Chen, Shen

Xing Xu is an English Lecturer at Sichuan International Studies University, China, and a researcher at the School of Education, University of Newcastle, Australia. She has been widely involved in r...

作者:Xu, Xing,Sit, Helena Hing Wa,Chen, Shen

Dr Xing Xu is an English Lecturer at Sichuan International Studies University, China, and a researcher at the School of Education, University of Newcastle, Australia. She has been widely involved i...

作者:Designs, Shae-Athena

作者:Pal, Nyiri

Since the late nineteenth century, hundreds of thousands of Chinese have moved to Russia and Eastern Europe. However, until now, very little research has been done about the initial migrants in the...

作者:Cohen, Misha Ruth

The New Chinese Medicine Handbook is an essential guide to achieving total health in body, mind, and spirit. Explore the powerful benefits of Chinese medicine--particularly acupuncture, massage, nu...


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  《哈利波特(1)神秘的魔法石》   男孩活下來了,   我們世界中的每一個孩子   都將會知道他的名字!   一生必讀不只一次的奇幻文學經典   繁體中文版20週年紀念   台灣插畫家Krenz、Loiza繪製全新封面!   全球銷量突破5億部   繁體中文版熱賣超過640萬部   改編拍成8部電影,票房逾77億美元   翻譯成80種以上語言版本   在世界的另一個角落,有著一個神...


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作者:Wu, Shelly

"Love is, of all passions, the strongest, for it attacks simultaneously the head, the heart and the senses." --Lao TzuWhether it's a passionate quickie or an orgasmic marathon, few things can equal...


擁有消滅黑魔王力量之人將降臨! 兩者必將死於另一人之手,因兩者無法同存於世……   繁體中文版20週年紀念   台灣插畫家Krenz、Loiza繪製全新封面!   英文版發行首日即飆破1300萬冊!   Amazon書店締造130萬本空前預購紀錄!   改編電影,榮獲「英國國家電影獎」最佳男主角、   最佳女主角、最佳家庭電影!   升上五年級前的暑假,對哈利波特來說一如以往地既痛苦且漫...

作者:Wu, Shelly

"He who knows others is learned. He who knows himself is wise." --Lao-TzuThe quest for self-knowledge has been a universal human pursuit for millenniums. Who are we? And could our destiny be writte...

