
作者:Bundock, Michael

Michael Bundock is a director of Dr. Johnson’s House Trust and former editor of The New Rambler, the annual journal of the Johnson Society of London. He is the author of numerous essays and article...


室內空氣竟比戶外髒100倍! 想讓孩子遠離氣喘過敏、成人減少心血管疾病和失智風險? 只要擺一盆「造氧植物」,就能淨化屋內80%以上髒空氣, 全面啟動全家人的健康防護罩! ★《驚人的造氧盆栽》暢銷全新封面版!   從室內到室外,每天你吸進多少髒空氣?你知道室內的空氣比外面更毒嗎?且讓有切身感受的空汙專家陳柏銓告訴你:只有營造良好空氣的環境,才能找回全家人的健康!   曾因為吸進太多髒空氣而...

作者:Rose, Rachel

作者:Bradburn, Norman M.,Stern, Michael,Johnson, Timothy P.

Norman Bradburn is a Senior Fellow at NORC at the University of Chicago. He also serves as the Tiffany and Margaret Blake Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus at the University of Chicago.Micha...

作者:Johnson, Harry G.

Multivolume collection by leading authors in the field

作者:Johnson, Harry

Multivolume collection by leading authors in the field

作者:Hood, Morag

Morag Hood is an author and illustrator who lives in Edinburgh with her husband, Snorri. After working backstage in theaters for a few years she went back to school to study children’s book illustr...

作者:Maurer, Tracy Nelson

Tracy Nelson Maurer is the award-winning author of over a hundred books, including Samuel Morse, That’s Who!, and John Deere, That’s Who!, which was a NSTA Best STEM Book of the Year and a NCSS Not...

作者:Johnson, Harry G.

Multivolume collection by leading authors in the field

作者:Karlsson, Håkan,Diez Acosta, Tomás

Håkan Karlsson is Full Professor in Archaeology at the Department of Historical Studies, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.Tomás Diez Acosta is Professor and Researcher at the Instituto de Historia ...

