【問題】lisa thompson?推薦回答

作者:Thompson, Tess


一棟神祕的瘟疫屋、 一個奇怪的間諜男孩, 以及孤單的墓園女孩   暢銷青少年小說《金魚男孩》姊妹作   卡內基兒童文學大獎入圍作家最新力作   關於理解、認識自我,到面對恐懼的溫馨故事   身穿紅色外套、躲在墓園角落一棟廢棄瘟疫屋裡的男孩,   他真的是祕密情報組織派來的間諜嗎?   墓園女孩梅樂蒂、金魚男孩馬修能突破困境,一起解開這個謎團嗎?   墓園,這個令人恐懼的地方,卻是梅樂蒂...


《奇蹟男孩》的溫馨感人 ╳ 《深夜小狗神祕習題》的懸疑案件 一位患有強迫症的男孩、一名失蹤的小寶寶、一個深藏心中的祕密……   暢銷英、法、美、韓、義、西等全球12國 榮獲英國童書聯盟獎 卡內基兒童文學大獎、水石書店童書獎入圍作品 關於失落、勇氣與面對的療癒故事     100雙手套、55封郵件、34篇日記、7個家庭、1名失蹤的孩童,   以及生活在玻璃窗內的「金魚男孩」……     12歲...

作者:Thompson, Lisa

Lisa Thompson is the author of The Goldfish Boy, The Light Jar, and The Day I Was Erased. She has worked as a radio broadcast assistant, first at the BBC and then for an independent production comp...


The advent of the internet and the availability of social media and digital downloads have expanded the creation, distribution, and consumption of Black cultural production as never before. At the ...

作者:Blauner, Andrew (EDT)

A one-of-a-kind celebration of America's greatest comic strip--and the life lessons it can teach us--from a stellar array of writers and artistsOver the span of fifty years, Charles M. Schulz creat...

作者:Adegbile, Debo/ Davis, Lisa/ Hernández, Damaris/ Wells, Ted/ Thompson, Anthony C. (EDT)

A first-of-its-kind book of honest reflections, straight talk, and essential advice about life at big law firms for people of colorWhat do young people of color aspiring to careers in the law need ...

作者:Thompson, Lisa

A story of fear and hope, loneliness and friendship -- full of the heart, engaging characters, and propulsive, page-turning mystery that made The Goldfish Boy so beloved.Nate and his mother are run...

作者:Thompson, Lisa L.

Ingenuity introduces a theology and practice of preaching that emerges from the faith and wisdom of black women. Preaching has been resourced and taught from a narrow field of cultural or gendered ...

作者:McClatchy, Lisa/ Lyon, Tammie (ILT)

Philip and Nanny are taking Eloise to see the dinosaurs, but will she behave? Kay Thompson (1909-1998) was a singer, dancer, vocal arranger, and coach of many MGM musicals in the 1940s. The Elois...

作者:Thompson, Tess

作者:Thompson, Lisa

