
作者:藤井俊充(Toshi Fujii)

  課程簡介:   ‧認識鼓組:小鼓、大鼓、中鼓與落地鼓、銅拔、踏板、鼓棒等詳細介紹   ‧基本打擊練習:介紹鼓棒的握法、打擊方式、各種打擊練習   ‧視譜與四肢協調練習:切分節奏的詮釋手法、大鼓的演奏技巧   ‧常見的搖滾節奏:   Medium Rock、Fast Rock   Slow Ballad、16th Notes Rock   50's Rock and roll、Altern...

作者:Katharine P. Burnett

  Dimensions of Originality investigates the issue of conceptual originality in art criticism of the seventeenth century, a period in which China dynamically reinvented itself. In art criticism, th...

作者:Westad, Odd Arne

The Chinese Civil War was one of the key conflicts of the twentieth century. The Communist victory determined Chinese history for several generations, and defined international relations in East As...

作者:Basara, Svetislav/ Lucic, Ana

Ordered by two mysterious men to write a statement of about 100 pages, the narrator of Chinese Letter--who's not sure of his name, but calls himself Fritz--faithfully records the bizarre occurrence...

作者:Westad, Odd Arne

The Chinese Civil War was one of the key conflicts of the twentieth century. The Communist victory determined Chinese history for several generations, and defined international relations in East As...


中國學生在俄國的紛雜感情與心碎分離 v.s. 兩國之間的友情結合與盟約破裂   1920年代起,成千上萬的革命青年踏上旅途,前往蘇聯,尋找理想的共產天堂。在那裡他們學習俄語,又在官方禁止下墜入愛河,生下子女,有些人結了婚。     中蘇的結盟,是二十世紀共產國際最關鍵的一段關係,史家過去常從地緣政治與意識型態為觀察角度。但作者創先採用「終身不渝的戀情」為比喻,並以「中國學生在俄國的紛雜感情...


  This book is a good introduction to classical Chinese fictional stories; giving readers a more interesting resource for exploring Chinese customs and culture. It is elaborately comprised of one h...

作者:Steven van DeursenMark Seemann

  【名家名著】 21   想要讓程式更具彈性、更容易測試、更接近clean code,   你需要降低元件之間的耦合度,   依賴注入將是你強而有力的工具!   它是組合取代繼承的重要實踐!   要降低軟體元件之間的緊耦合程度,最好的方法便是引入「依賴注入(DI,Dependency Injection)」技術。在鬆耦合架構下,不用再自己手動指定資料庫連線時要使用的驅動,而是透過一個可...

作者:Jeans, Roger B. (EDT)

Colonel John Hart Caughey, a US Army war plans officer stationed in the Chinese Nationalist capital of Chungking, was an eyewitness to the battle for China in the final months of the war (1944-45) ...

作者:Kinkade, Scot,Morrison, Alice

Dodging Elephants is the story of how one ordinary woman raced across Africa on her bike. Flung from the corporate hamster wheel, she set off with very little training, plenty of Christmas fat, a c...

作者:Roberts, J. M./ Westad, Odd Arne

The completely updated edition of J. M. Roberts and Odd Arne Westad's widely acclaimed, landmark bestseller The Penguin History of the World For generations of readers The Penguin History of the Wo...

作者:Westad, Odd Arne (EDT)/ Quinn-Judge, Sophie (EDT)

This new collection explores the origins and key issues of the Third Indochina War, which began in 1979.Drawing on unique documentation from all sides, leading contributors reinterpret and demystif...

作者:Andro, Anatole

During the formative years of the Ming Dynasty the Chinese government dispatched hundreds of gigantic ships, some over 400 feet long, into the Indian Ocean. The enterprise was dubbed Zheng He''s Se...

作者:Roberts, Priscilla (EDT)/ Westad, Odd Arne (EDT)

This book explores the forces that impelled China, the world's largest socialist state, to make massive changes in its domestic and international stance during the long 1970s. Fourteen distinguishe...


  中國三部曲 THE CHINA TRILOGY   隨著中國全球影響力與日俱增,我們既須探究其內涵,更需要積極尋找更有意義的客觀切入點,纔能深入理解其未來前景。   本系列將透過兩千年、四百年、一百年之不同長度視野,由「大歷史」角度重構中國歷史進程。   本書即為此系列之第一部,將時間軸拉回到兩千年前,由西元前二二一年秦統一六國所奠下之帝國框架基礎,在兩千餘年後的今日,應當如何加以理...

