
作者:Blofeld, John

作者:Littlejohn, Ronnie L.

Ronnie L. Littlejohn is the Chaney Distinguished Professor of Philosophy and Director of Asian Studies at Belmont University, USA. He is author of five books, including Chinese Philosophy: An Intro...

作者:Littlejohn, Ronnie L.

Ronnie L. Littlejohn is the Chaney Distinguished Professor of Philosophy and Director of Asian Studies at Belmont University, USA. He is author of five books, including Chinese Philosophy: An Intro...

作者:Zhu, Dong,Ren, Wei

Dong Zhu, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, P. R. China; Wei Ren, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu, P. R. China

作者:Yang, Chia-Ling

Dr. Chia-Ling Yang received her PhD in Chinese Art from the University of London, UK. She was the visiting scholar at Academia Sinica and the University of Heidelberg and held lectureships at the U...


豐贍有趣的一幅佛教物質文化圖景   開啟宏觀視角,淺入深出、一氣呵成   行文雅緻親和、涉獵探索獨特   引領讀者跳脫「常識」與「通識」   此部歷久彌新的漢學經典   對西方人的佛教研究,具有承先啟後的地位   對東方人習以為常的物事感官,撬開縫隙,露出穎奇亮點   它找回我們漸漸喪失了的挖掘故事的契機   從具有靈力的舍利、佛像,到佛教象徵物的念珠、如意、僧伽衣具   和被佛教功德觀念...


佛地魔的僕人已被束縛了十二年之久, 今晚午夜以前,他將幫助佛地魔東山再起……   繁體中文版20週年紀念 台灣插畫家Krenz、Loiza繪製全新封面! 榮獲大不列顛年度最佳作者暨最佳童書、惠特比最佳童書獎、 英國書商協會年度最佳作者等多項大獎!     瑪姬姑姑又要來了!這個名字一出現在德思禮家,就代表著哈利為期一週的惡夢。小時候玩大風吹,她會用手杖猛敲哈利的腳,免得他贏過達力,有一年他不...


We believe in the power of discovery. That’s why we create books for everyone that explore ideas and nurture curiosity about the world we live in. From first words to the Big Bang, from the wonders...

作者:Nunes, Shiho S.

Shiho Nunes is a passionate educator who has authored Hawaiian culture-based novels for young adults, as well as The Shishu Ladies of Hilo: Japanese Embroidery in Hawaii. She lives in Berkeley, Cal...

作者:Chen, Shaopeng

Shaopeng Chen received his PhD degree from University of Southampton, UK, and he is sponsored by the China Scholarship Council (CSC). He holds a MA degree in Animation Arts from Nanjing University ...

