【問題】sundowners syndrome?推薦回答

作者:Allatt, Kate

Kate Allatt suffered a huge brainstem stroke with locked in syndrome at the age of 39. Following her remarkable fight back to a normal life, she is now an internationally published author and inspi...


透過腸道食療,就能改善自閉症、憂鬱症、過動症等情緒障礙!   一位自閉症兒童的母親/營養學醫師的科學臨床證實   孩童和成人的情緒障礙,原來是「腸道」出問題   透過三階段飲食計畫,修復腸道,即能找回穩定情緒   ★ 英美AMAZON書店長銷10年,讀者4.5顆星評價   ★ 歐美知名醫師、營養師、心理師齊聲推薦   ★ 自閉兒、過動兒等情緒障礙團體感心推薦   20年前,平均10,0...


Andrea R. GenazzaniPresident, International Society of Gynecological EndocrinologyLourdes IbáñezEndocrinology, Pediatric Research Institute, Sant Joan de Déu Children’s Hospital, Barcelona, Spain A...

作者:Petersen, Vikki,Petersen, Rick


Professor Jacob Ablin is specialist in general internal medicine, and Rheumatology. He heads an Internal Medicine ward at the Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, Tel Aviv, Israel and is a professor o...


Stefano Di Girolamo is currently a Professor of Otorhinolaryngology and the Head of the ENT Department at the University Hospital Tor Vergata University, Rome, Italy. He received his Postgraduate D...


Naohiro TomitaProfessor Emeritus, Division of Lower GI Surgery, Department of Surgery, Hyogo College of MedicineNishinomiya, Hyogo, JapanSpecially Appointed Adviser, Cancer Treatment Center, Toyona...

作者:Brown, Thomas E.

Thomas E. Brown, PhD, earned his doctorate in clinical psychology at Yale University and served on Yale faculty for 20 years. He has published five books on ADHD and now directs the Brown Clinic fo...

作者:Brown, Thomas E.

Thomas E. Brown, PhD, earned his doctorate in clinical psychology at Yale University and served on Yale faculty for 20 years. He has published five books on ADHD and now directs the Brown Clinic fo...

作者:Parker, Jamie,Medbury, Jason

作者:King, David

