
作者:Duncan, Alaine D.,Kain, Kathy L.

Explains trauma using a combination of the Five Elements (from Traditional Chinese Medicine) and a touch perspective; for practitioners of a variety of modalities, including acupuncturists, somatic...

作者:Laperche, Ralph J.

This book is groundbreaking in two areas. It is the first book that truly integrates Eastern and Western bodywork. Second, it is the first book that focuses on working with trauma victims and clien...

作者:Kitty K. Wu、Catherine S. Tang、Eugenie Y. Leung

  This is the first book written on clinical research and work related to the development of applied trauma psychology in Hong Kong. Contributed by numerous reputable researchers and clinicians, th...

作者:Drozdek, Boris (EDT)/ Wilson, John P. (EDT)

Synthesizing insights from psychiatry, social psychology, and anthropology, Voices of Trauma: Treating Survivors across Cultures sets out a framework for therapy that is as culturally informed as i...


第一本從西方觀點精闢探討華人世界「歷史創傷」的重要專著。   他人所經歷的暴行如何能成為自己的經驗?   殖民史上的殘暴時刻如何被轉換為國族創傷?   這本書主要論述小說、電影、攝影作品、大眾媒體等如何再現歷史暴行。   創作者受到痛苦和苦難的啟發,從廢墟和灰燼中將暴力事件建構起來並以藝術形式呈現,集體撰寫他們所知的故事,從而產生一種新形式的「歷史」敘事。這種鮮活的敘事以一種傳統史料無...


【創傷自救套組】 告別傷痛‧找回自己     心靈自由球   13個實用步驟,幫助你撫平自我的壓力與創傷,管理情緒重現,藉以達到心靈真正的自由。   時時將「心靈自由球」擺置於桌案邊、身旁,隨時觀看,閱覽其上的管理步驟,   尤其在自我感覺不好時。   這是可以迅速自我解決的方案,也是最佳的心靈安撫工具     創傷如何被製造?創傷如何來分解?   當所有的情緒、關係問題都沉重地壓到自己身上...

作者:Cathy A. Malchiodi

  藝術的表達雖自遠古時期即與療癒交織在一起,但藝術治療正式成為心理衛生的臨床專業不過是近三、四十年來的事。拜心理相關領域理論與實務的進展和新近醫學科技之突破,讓藝術治療的應用除了於較傳統的精神醫療、心理治療∕諮商、教育、社會工作等領域之外,在醫療復健領域亦逐漸嶄露頭角,成為身、心、靈全人照護最佳的整合觸媒之一。   Cathy Malchiodi 於2003年編著的“Handbook of...

作者:Macé, Lilou/ Chia, Mantak (FRW)

Reveals the practices and rituals of the yoni egg for physical, emotional, sexual, and spiritual growth and healing - Explains how to use a yoni egg at different stages of life to access inner beau...

作者:Hair, Jaden

You will absolutely love the 101 Asian recipes in this easy-to-use cookbook This engaging cookbook includes dozens upon dozens of full-proof Asian recipes that are quick and easy to do--all in tim...

作者:Odoul, Michel/ Cain, Jack (TRN)/ Médynski, Thierry, M.d. (FRW)

Reveals the precise correspondences between specific emotional and mental tensions and the illnesses and traumas of the body - Explains how physical complaints--energetic disturbances that lead to ...

作者:Gayley, Holly

Love Letters from Golok chronicles the courtship between two Buddhist tantric masters, Tāre Lhamo (1938-2002) and Namtrul Rinpoche (1944-2011), and their passion for reinvigorating Buddhism in east...

作者:Swope, Kenneth M.

The Manchu Qing victory over the Chinese Ming Dynasty in the mid-seventeenth century was one of the most surprising and traumatic developments in China's long history. In the last year of the Ming,...

作者:Marsella, Anthony J. (EDT)/ Johnson, Jeanette L. (EDT)/ Watson, Patricia (EDT)/ Gryczynski, Jan (EDT)

Crises do not occur in cultural vacuums, but help often does. Good intentions are not enough. Lack of cultural understanding, sensitivity, and competencies can hamper and even harm the professional...

作者:Knight, Sabina

Perhaps nowhere else has literature been as conscious a collective endeavor as in China, and China's survival over three thousand years may owe more to its literary traditions than to its political...

作者:Eyerman, Ron (EDT)/ Alexander, Jeffrey C. (EDT)/ Breese, Elizabeth Butler (EDT)

In case studies that examine wrenching historical and contemporary crises across five continents, cultural sociologists analyze the contingencies of trauma construction and their fateful social imp...

