
作者:Suciartini, Ni Nyoman Ayu,Wiki, Basabali

作者:Wiki, Captain


★讓金鼎獎作家王文華,帶你感受閱讀的神奇魔力★   ◆護眼字體大而清晰◆   ◆奇幻情節樂趣無限◆   ◆主題正面養分十足◆   小城已經八個月沒下雨了!大河變小河,小河變沙灘,水庫乾涸,所有的水井也都渴了。這麼下去不是辦法,胖胖狐仙決定去一趟龍王府。龍王說,他早就派了一條龍來降雨啊!那麼,那條龍去哪兒了?原來,他派來的小黃龍有懼高症,不敢飛上天,沒辦法降雨。小狐仙不相信,對小黃龍說:「...

作者:Notari, Michele/ Reynolds, Rebecca/ Chu, Samuel Kai Wah/ Honegger, Beat Dobeli

Given the limited budgets of schools, educators, and school librarians, free and open source tools for learning are more important than ever. Essentially, wikis are easily accessible webpages for c...

作者:Manuaba, I. B. Arya Lawa,Wiki, Basabali

作者:Ebersbach, Anja/ Glaser, Markus/ Heigl, Richard/ Warta, Alexander/ Dueck, Gunter (FRW)

A book about wikis That's what people need. Because with wiki technology, lots of people can freely work - gether - they can even generate very large works in the intellectual realm. See for yours...


作者:Maloy, Robert W./ Malinowski, Allison

Wiki Works in the History and Humanities Classroom shows how teachers and students--working together as learning partners--can use interactive wiki technologies to transform the teaching of history...

作者:Corbin, Carolyn

Community Leadership 4.0 by Carolyn Corbin offers up a unique and original approach for building and sustaining communities in the 21st Century. This book is about the cutting-edge skills required ...

作者:Wiki, Captain

My name is Wiki Captain, the author of this book. I live in Johor and I am a proud and proud otaku. I like Tao Jie’s article, Ximeng’s leadership, Guamo’s short film, Kyoto animation animation, Mar...

作者:Nyong’o, Kwame

Kwame Nyong’o is a visual artist, animator, illustrator, filmmaker and musician. Born in Chicago to a Kenyan father and American mother, he was raised between the two countries, an experience that ...

