
作者:Pyne Addelson, Kathryn

Kathryn Pyne Addelson held the Mary Huggins Gamble Chair in Philosophy at Smith College.

作者:Peterson, Gretchen N.

Gretchen N. Peterson, GISP, is a world-renowned geospatial professional who runs the digital mapping company PetersonGIS, authors books on cartographic design, speaks and blogs about cartography.

作者:Phillips, Bruce A.

Bruce A. Phillips is Professor of Sociology and Jewish Communal Service at Hebrew Union College Jewish Institute of Religion.


  鄰苯二甲酸酯類 (phthalic acid esters, PAEs)具有良好的油溶性,可添加於印刷油墨中做為分散劑,降低色料碳粒之聚集,達到印刷製品顏色分佈均勻之目的,現場作業勞工可能經由呼吸吸入、皮膚吸收等途徑,暴露過量之PAEs粉塵與蒸氣,進而引起相關之健康危害。本研究目的為針對印刷業勞工進行PAEs暴露評估,並探討PAEs暴露對於生殖荷爾蒙、甲狀腺荷爾蒙之影響。研究對象選自兩間...

作者:Watson, Shelia

Shelia Watson is the author of several books, features, articles, and screenplays. Her first love is history, and she is passionate about recreating the fascinating details of bygone years in writt...

作者:Holton, Viki

Heroines and harlots, political hostesses and mistresses, the women who lived in the great houses, and the thousands more who led more ordinary lives--they all have a place in British history. Many...

作者:Seth, Peter

Peter Seth is a writer living in Los Angeles. He has written for television shows produced by Gary David Goldberg ("Brooklyn Bridge") and Glenn Gordon Caron ("Showroom"). He wrote, produced, and di...

作者:Stankova, Marietta

Marietta Stankova studied modern European history at the Universities of Sofia, Budapest and Oxford. She obtained her PhD from LSE, where she has also taught extensively. She has written widely on ...


  在化學工業上,醋酸乙烯酯(vinyl acetate, VA)主要用於生產聚醋酸乙烯酯及與其他烯烴的共聚物,聚醋酸乙烯酯用途為水性塗料、黏合劑、壓克力纖維及紙張塗料等。醋酸乙烯酯已被國際癌症研究署(IARC)歸類為疑似動物致癌物(Group 2B),顯示暴露於此物質的勞工可能存在致癌之風險。我國勞動部訂定醋酸乙烯酯之八小時時量平均容許濃度(PEL-TWA)為10 ppm (35 mg/m...


  裝潢木工作業時經常使用電動工具切割矽酸鈣板等板材,造成作業環境中散布相當大量之粉塵。而矽酸鈣板於製造時,使用有石英與矽砂等含高比例結晶型游離二氧化矽之矽質礦物原料,因此會使裝潢作業勞工吸入過多結晶型游離二氧化矽粉塵,使作業勞工因而有罹患塵肺症之可能。   矽酸鈣板製造時所使用的主要原料有矽砂、水泥、熟石灰、矽藻土與紙漿等五種,製造過程包括原料混和、抄造、成型、高壓蒸氣養生(autocla...

