
作者:Wernham, R. B.

Richard Wernham was born on 11 October 1906. He studied at Exeter College, Oxford from 1925 to 1928. He was appointed a Fellow of Trinity College in 1934, remaining there until 1951. He was Profess...

作者:Mcintyre, Trevor

They were called 'B-29ers' - the men of the 20th Air Force who brought the WWII Japanese Empire to its knees with the greatest bomber the world had ever seen. Through airpower alone, they quashed t...




這樣學才道地! 實用會話情境+老外實景影片,吃喝玩樂,一本就GO!   三個步驟,輕鬆學會老外都在說的道地英語!   你是否明明英語學了很久,遇到老外卻還是支支吾吾,說不出一口流利的英文嗎?就讓本書來解救你,讓你輕鬆以三個步驟,就學會老外平常都在講的詞彙和口語表達,出差出國需要英文對談時,就再也難不倒你!   Step 1︰迅速掌握關鍵用語   每個大單元的一開始,就先以活潑的版面設計,...

作者:Richardson, Patric,Miller, Karin B.

Patric Richardson--fashion pro, textile expert, and Kentucky native--owns the Mona Williams boutique at Mall of America, where he holds Laundry Camp for all those interested in learning his fun and...

作者:群 陽子

電影《海鷗食堂(かもめ食堂)》、 日劇《麵包和湯和貓咪好天氣(パンとスープとネコ日和)》 原著者 群陽子的療癒系力作 家中有毛小孩、對動物充滿愛的你絕不能錯過   偶爾會來撒野的流浪胖貓阿條,總是擺出女王架子的母貓小喜   秋夜裡擾人清夢的討厭蚊子,習慣留4顆零食睡前品嘗的吉娃娃布丁…   群陽子將日常生活中人與同伴動物之間的互動、觀察,   以輕鬆溫暖的筆調寫下,每篇文章在在顯示了...

作者:Paris, B. A.

B. A. PARIS is the New York Times and internationally bestselling author of Behind Closed Doors, The Breakdown, Bring Me Back, The Dilemma, and The Therapist. Having lived in France for many years...

作者:Diken, Bülent,Gilloch, Graeme,Hammond, Craig

Bülent Diken is Professor of Social and Cultural Theory at Lancaster University, UK, and at Kadir Has University, Turkey. In particular, his research interests include the sociology of cinema, and ...


  蛀牙是因為蛀蟲鑽到牙齒裡?   尿床是因為夢到自己在尿尿?   肚子餓得咕嚕叫,是胃發出的聲音?   眼屎、肚臍屎是眼睛、肚臍的便便?   右眼長針眼,要用左手繞過後腦勺拉右眼眼尾!?   面對孩子層出不窮、各種讓人眼神死的古怪疑問,身為爸媽的你能回答嗎?   快去洗澡! 為什麼要洗澡?   快去刷牙! 為什麼要刷牙?   快點去睡覺! 為什麼要這麼早睡?   快去吹頭髮! 為什麼頭髮...


外星人x吸血鬼x飲料公司x美女組織x戀愛遊戲x拯救地球?!      日式風格的女性向奇幻輕小說,嚴謹的世界觀,爆笑的對白,鮮明的角色,劇情緊湊,看完讓人忍不住呼喊:「軟妹嫁我!」   地球遭到外星生物「異行者」的入侵,表面上是個飲料公司的秘密組織CUP★LID居然想用「戀愛」拯救世界。他們派出身為吸血鬼的「牙印」,封印異行者的異能力。而前提是,必須讓異行者心甘情願被「牙印」咬。所以,為了...

作者:Epstein, B. J.

How are breasts and breastfeeding shown in literature? Why does the depiction of breasts and breastfeeding in literature matter? What messages do we get from literature about the feeding of infants...


作者:Malleson, G. B. (EDT)

The Rulers of India series was conceived to make available the key features of Indian history through biographies of the successive princes, generals and administrators of the country. This first s...


這是一部關於一名愛喝飲料的少年, 如何(被迫)用愛拯救世界的故事。   地球遭到外星生物「異行者」的入侵,表面上是個飲料公司的秘密組織CUP★LID居然想用「戀愛」拯救世界。他們派出身為吸血鬼的「牙印」,封印異行者的異能力。而前提是,必須讓異行者心甘情願被「牙印」咬。所以,為了攻略外星美男的異行者,由數位美貌女性組成的牙印和智囊團們,為了提昇好感度的「戀愛作戰」使出全力。但是,也有些外星...

