【問題】Causes hordeolum?推薦回答


Kimberley L. Kinsley, JD, MA, is senior lecturer of business law in the College of Business at the University of Mary Washington.Robert S. Rycroft, PhD, is professor of economics at the University...

作者:Singh, Dinesh Kumar,Singh, Vinay Kumar,Singh, Raghubi Narayan

Prof. Dinesh Kumar Singh, is the former Head of the Department of Zoology at DDU Gorakhpur University, India, and has been actively engaged in the study of molluscan physiology, biochemistry and s...


Rina RaniRay is working as an Associate Professor and Head, Department of Biotechnology, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal. Her research interest focusses on the diverse...


未來醫學的新走向 終結慢性病對人類帶來的威脅與迫害! ★Amazon 網站4.5顆星好評推薦★   過去以器官中心、急性照護為主的醫療模式,雖然對傳染性疾病與緊急事件十分有效,仍是今日的一貫作業流程。但隨著慢性病的受害人數不斷上升,醫療成本也相當昂貴。我們很清楚這套模式已經老朽、完全不足以應付今日的實際健康問題。       因為,現在面對的醫療挑戰是慢性病,而非急性照護,而慢性病的研...


David W. Pfennig was the Caroline & Thomas Royster Distinguished Professor for Graduate Education, Dept. of Biology, University of North Carolina and the Director, Royster Society of Fellows, The G...

作者:Mitchell, Wesley Clair


作者:Reilly, Marie

Marie Reilly is an experienced Medical Herbalist and teacher. She qualified from the College of Phytotherapy in 2004 and was subsequently awarded a master’s degree from the Scottish School of Herba...


死者從不隱瞞事實,絕不撒謊 ──他們透過我發聲── 911恐怖攻擊事件、黛安娜王妃車禍重啟調查、亨格福德大屠殺、泰晤士河侯爵夫人號撞擊事件…… 相驗超過23000具屍體,深入震撼國際的刑案現場 英國傳奇法醫的40年生涯,也是最真實的犯罪檔案 「我們不能放任自己被恐懼淹沒,連心煩意亂的權利都沒有。 病理學家這一行沒有驚慌的容身之處。 我們必須抽離情緒,探求真相。 為了替這個社會效命,我們有時...

作者:Mitchell, Wesley Clair


我們是想活得更久,還是活得更好?   你怕老嗎?怕死嗎?   21世紀,醫療「產業」給了我們長命百歲的許諾,除了延緩死亡,還包括遠離殘疾、安全分娩,從出生到死亡,一切似乎都可掌控。人們熱衷,也認為自己可以控制自己的身體。   但真的是這樣嗎?   芭芭拉・艾倫瑞克開始動筆撰寫本書時70歲,就她自己的話來說,是一個「死亡不再需要多費脣舌說明的年紀」,只是環顧四周,大家好像總不是這麼甘願...



James C. Oleson is Associate Professor of Criminology at the University of Auckland. He has a B.A. from St. Mary’s College of California, an M.Phil. and a Ph.D. from Cambridge University, and a J.D...


Michael Clarke is Associate Professor in the National Security College of the Australian National University

