
作者:Hunter, Rebecca/ Fairclough, Chris (ILT)

作者:National Learning Corporation

National Learning Corporation has been a leading publisher of test-preparation Passbooks(R) for more than 50 years, with 6,000 titles available across 22 series. The Career Examination Series featu...

作者:Hunter, Rebecca/ Fairclough, Chris (PHT)

作者:Blount, Rachel

When was the last time you visited your dentist? Perhaps one day you might like to become a dentist too? In this book you will meet our dentist, Paul - and his team - and see what he does at work e...

作者:Brundle, Joanna

Jo Brundle is an experienced freelance author who dedicates her creative writing skills to non-fiction booksfor children. Living and working in Norfolk, Jo’s lifelong love of reading and her passio...

作者:五味太郎(Taro Gomi)


作者:Elsevier Clinics

作者:National Learning Corporation

作者:Stockham, Jess (ILT)

作者:Hunter, Rebecca

Rebecca Hunter is an experienced editor and children’s author.

作者:Gorman, Jacqueline Laks/ Andersen, Gregg (ILT)


傳承幻想大師 羅德‧達爾 幽默趣味的驚人天分   阿飛最討厭看牙醫了,最後一次看牙醫是六歲時,鑽牙機的刺耳聲嘎嘎作響、拔牙鉗摩擦牙齒的感覺非常可怕。   阿飛十二歲時滿口牙齒黃黃黑黑也覺得沒關係,班上很多同學都跟他一樣。學校來了一位新牙醫──露特女士,用糖果當作獎勵,大家都開心極了!   但奇怪的事情接二連三的在夜晚發生,大家把掉下來的牙齒放在枕頭下祈求獲得硬幣,隔天早上醒來時,枕頭下...

作者:Blount, Rachel/ Humphrey, Bobby (PHT)

作者:Anderson, Annmarie

AnnMarie Anderson has written numerous books for young readers. She lives in Brooklyn, New York, with her husband and son.

作者:Marion Cocklico

紙上模擬看牙程序, Big Steps硬頁操作遊戲書, 牙齒保健,從小做起!     The Big Steps書系特色:   ◆請家長讀:每頁下方的小字,是學前教育專家,寫給家長的錦囊妙計。   ◆陪孩子讀:內容模擬孩子的生活經驗,幫孩子做好心理建設,克服不安和挫折的情緒。   ◆一起玩:合適孩子小手操作的硬頁遊戲,拉一拉、轉一轉、翻翻看。      Nancy和Teddy要去做牙齒檢查,...

