【問題】Epididymal fat?推薦回答

作者:Beck, Amanda Martinez


★《紐約時報》排行榜暢銷書╱《亞馬遜網路書店》讀者四星半好評推薦 ★《經濟學人》《泰晤士報》《圖書館期刊》年度最佳圖書 ★《華爾街日報》《柯克斯書評》年度最佳非文學類圖書 解構脂肪致病的營養迷思,重建你對健康飲食的認知想像! 或許,我們都錯怪了脂肪!   脂肪真是導致肥胖和心血管疾病的頭號禍首?   不吃動物油,改用植物油就一定更健康?   地中海飲食是「最理想」的長壽之鑰?   培根加...

作者:Von Grabler-Crozier, Debbie

Debbie has been involved in writing and the craft world for pretty much all of her life but in 1997 she made it into a profession. Now, besides regularly designing projects and writing columns for ...

作者:Russell Punter,Lesley Sims,Stephen Cartwright (ILT)

Usborne 自然發音讀本合集, 一次擁有12個故事 + CD, 讓孩子透過簡單押韻的故事內容, 輕鬆學習英語發音技巧,愛上英文!   英國知名出版社 Usborne 自然發音讀本合集,大方收錄12則簡易故事,搭配CD和大量全彩插圖。讓我們來看看Fat Cat和他的動物好朋友們,有些傻氣、帶點押韻的趣味故事,自然而然增進語言能力。   本書包含以下12則故事和1片CD:   (1...

作者:Michaud-Skog, Summer

Summer Michaud-Skog is the founder of Fat Girls Hiking, a hiking community centered on a body positive mission to get folks of diverse backgrounds out on trails no matter their size, ability, or ex...

作者:Stephens, Gin

Gin Stephens, the New York Times bestselling author of Fast. Feast. Repeat. and Delay, Don’t Deny, has been living the intermittent fasting (IF) lifestyle since 2014. Since then, she’s lost over ei...

作者:Johnson, Richard

Dr. Richard Johnson is a Professor of Medicine at the University of Colorado and is both a clinician, educator and researcher. He is board certified in internal medicine, infectious diseases, and k...

作者:Soebbing, Stephanie


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作者:Taubes, Gary

GARY TAUBES, an award-winning science and health journalist, is the cofounder and director of the Nutrition Science Initiative (NuSI). He is the author of The Case Against Sugar, Why We Get Fat, an...

