
作者:Foster, Jane A.,Diaz Heijtz, Rochellys

作者:Brann, Amy

Amy Brann is an author, consultant and global speaker. She is the founder of Synaptic Potential, through which she works with companies including Warner Brothers, EY, Twinings, the NHS and Mondelez...

作者:Brann, Amy

Amy Brann is an author, consultant and global speaker. She is the founder of Synaptic Potential, through which she works with companies including Warner Brothers, EY, Twinings, the NHS and Mondelez...


Joseph B. Hopfinger is Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA, and Co-Editor-in-Chief of the journal Cognitive Neuroscience. He studies the...

作者:Ambron, Richard

Richard Ambron is emeritus professor of pathology, anatomy, and cell biology at the Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University, where he codirected the clinical anatomy cours...


★解密1%人的超悅大腦模式!★ ★《科學證實你想的會成真》作者最新力作!★ ★「超過50年研究」+「科學驗證」的有效靜心冥想法★   從50年研究到50秒實現   國際著名科學家道森.丘吉從文獻研究及科學驗證中,找到了能夠迅速且徹底改變大腦的驚人證據。神經可塑性已廣為人知,但鮮少人知道它發生的速度及範圍,以及我們到底有多少的改變力量。整合不同科學領域可量測的數據顯示,神經重塑的過程比以往...


★「妙趣橫生,引人入勝。讀來頗有奧立佛.薩克斯的況味。」──知名記者瑪莎・卡尼★ ★美國亞馬遜4.7顆星好評★ ★《衛報》、《週日泰晤士報》、《科克斯書評》等外媒幽默推薦★ 打蒼蠅卻突然睡著、無意識起床吃鳥飼料、夢遊騎車去兜風……以充滿張力的真實故事,從神經學開拓你對睡眠的既定印象──原來有些人的夜晚是這樣的啊! 我們總以為睡覺時應該是很安靜的,但有些人的大腦在夜晚卻特別活躍,彷彿一隻夜...

作者:Beech, Anthony R. (EDT)/ Carter, Adam J. (EDT)/ Mann, Ruth E. (EDT)/ Rotshtein, Pia (EDT)

Explores how the explosion of neuroscience-based evidence in recent years has led to a fundamental change in how forensic psychology can inform working with criminal populations.This book communica...

作者:Weyhenmeyer, James A., Ph.D./ Gallman, Eve A., Ph.D.

Get the most from your study time...and experience a realistic USMLE simulation These new additions to the Rapid Review Series - highly rated in the First Aid rankings - make it easy for you to ma...

作者:Ambron, Richard

Richard Ambron is emeritus professor of pathology, anatomy, and cell biology at the Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University, where he codirected the clinical anatomy cours...

作者:Krebs, Claudia/ Weinberg, Joanne/ Akesson, Elizabeth/ Dilli, Esma

A must-have for mastering essential concepts in Neuroscience.Based on the best-selling Lippincott Illustrated Reviews series, Lippincott Illustrated Reviews Flash Cards: Neuroscience helps you revi...

