【問題】PDA ligation?推薦回答

作者:Dundon, Raelene

Raelene Dundon is the Director of Okey Dokey Childhood Psychology in Melbourne, Australia. Raelene has extensive experience working with children with developmental disabilities and their families,...

作者:石葛榆 SAYA

  全部實物原大刊出,機身結構功能表現完全收錄,以嚴謹和詳盡為前題,一次網羅09年市面所有PDA Phone,務求讓玩家有一個最完整最詳細的買機指南。 本書特色   09年可算承接了08年的PDA Phone熱潮,不過元素上就比過往更加豐富更加多采多姿。其中有不少Window Mobile以外的新興勢力,好像Nokia就以原有的Symbian S60系統,加上觸控或是QWERTY鍵盤的配備,...


  以年鑑方式全面網羅08年最人氣PDA Phone,一比一實物原大刊出,全面測試介紹及功能分析。


�PDA作業系統概說�Pocket PC操作及設定�Pocket Outlook、Pocket Office、Pocket Internet Explorer的使用�多媒體、影音轉檔的使用教學�衛星導航、文件應用、網路應用�交通工具時刻表、電子書、電子漫畫製作�Pocket PC應用軟體、週邊配件介紹 Chapter1百家爭鳴齊較量-PDA作業系統概述 第一節 PALM (又稱:”胖” ...

作者:Melnick, David/ Dinman, Mark/ Muratov, Alexander

Because of their small, portable nature, PDAs present a unique security dilemma. This title is suitable for PSA technicians and IT professionals who need to understand and solve this challenge. It ...

作者:Williams, Douglas H.

PDAs and robotics come together in this innovative resource Here is the ONLY BOOK to provide in-depth designs and concepts on how to create a robot that utilizes your PDA (Personal Digital Assista...


作者:Bucher, Susan

This book explains what post tubal ligation syndrome (PTLS) is, and exposes that women have not been properly informed about the risks of tubal ligation. A must read for all women considering a tub...

作者:Grego, Peter

SketchingtheSkies Suddenly and without warning, a new star appeared in the night sky, and everyone in the community was alarmed. Nobody could remember having seen its like before. Dazzling to look ...

