【問題】Radial head subluxation?推薦回答

作者:Smale, Holly

作者:Cornabas, Baptist

作者:Thomas, Kiah

Connah Brecon, originally from the UK, is an author-illustrator based in Victoria, Australia, where he lives with his wife and daughter and cat and plants. Connah has written and illustrated six pi...

作者:Bright, Rachel

Rachel Bright is a wordsmith, illustrator, and professional thinker of happy thoughts. She has written several books for children, including Love Monster, The Lion Inside, and The Koala Who Could -...

作者:Head, Honor

作者:Carle, Eric

大象會做什麼?大象會跺腳; 大猩猩會做什麼?大猩猩會搥胸; 野牛會做什麼?野牛會聳肩膀。   看動物們跺腳、搥胸、彎腰屈膝的確很好玩,但是如果可以加入他們一起動一動,那就更有趣了!兒童圖畫書界的拼貼大師艾瑞.卡爾帶來了這本互動的小書《從頭動到腳》,邀請小朋友加入大象、猴子等動物的行列,大家一起來動一動。   艾瑞.卡爾以鮮豔的彩繪拼貼畫,畫出了十二種不同動物的「招牌動作」,這些動作「...

作者:Head, Honor

Honor Head has written books for children of all ages on many subjects, including online safety and cyberbullying. She regularly works at her local museums in Devon organising children’s activity d...

作者:King, Aliya S.

Aliya S. King is an award-winning journalist and the author and coauthor of books for teens and adults. Her work has appeared in Vibe, Giant, Uptown, Essence, King, Ms., Us Weekly, and Teen People,...

作者:Gifford, Clive

Clive Gifford has traveled to more than 70 countries, climbed rocket launch towers, ridden on robots, and flown gliders. He’s had more than 200 books published and has received nominations for or w...

