【問題】Referential delusion?推薦回答


GDP年年成長,但是你,快樂嗎? 沒有!因為,這項經濟成長指標本來就跟你的幸福無關! GDP成長=國家進步+人民幸福? 為什麼GDP持續上升,百姓生活卻越來越喊苦? 所以我們是拚經濟=拚GDP?   潘卡吉‧米什拉(Pankaj Mishra,《從帝國廢墟中崛起)作者):每個想了解當代政治大變動的人必讀的一本書!   兩大諾貝爾獎得主──科菲‧安南(Kofi Annan)、安格斯‧迪頓(A...

作者:Smith, Michael D.

作者:Syed, Mehreen

作者:Hagen, Steve

Steve Hagen has been an instructor in religion at St. Olaf College and a science researcher for the University of Minnesota and the State of Alaska. In 1979 he was ordained a Zen priest, and in 198...

作者:Harrison, Bernard

In recent years Western countries have seen a proliferation of antisemitic material in social media and other online outlets and in violent attacks on Jews. The evidence is undeniable, ranging from...

作者:Mooney, Patrick

Patrick Mooney was born in Ireland where he now lives. He believes in Irish Celtic spirituality which emphasizes that there is only a thin line between heaven and earth. With a spiritual perspectiv...

作者:Litwin, Fred

作者:Harrison, Bernard

In recent years Western countries have seen a proliferation of antisemitic material in social media and other online outlets and in violent attacks on Jews. The evidence is undeniable, ranging from...

作者:Porter, Patrick

In an age of demagogues, hostile great powers and trade wars, foreign policy traditionalists dream of restoring liberal international order. This order, they claim, ushered in seventy years of peac...

作者:Mac Donald, Heather

Heather Mac Donald is the national bestselling author of The War on Cops, the Thomas W. Smith Fellow at the Manhattan Institute, and a contributing editor of City Journal. A former aspiring academ...

作者:Rogers, Brian J.

