【問題】Delusion type?推薦回答


很抱歉,你中毒了! 地球每年有65億磅化學物進入空氣中,化學毒素無所不在, 無論你走到哪兒、住在哪裡,你都「浸泡」在毒湯裡。   今日常見的慢性病、致命重疾,其實跟身體老化、營養不良、生活習慣不佳的關係不大,隱藏在環境中的化學毒素,才是真正的罪魁禍首。它們透過食物、空氣、水、化妝品、衣物、玩具、電子產品、清潔用品、家具建材等等,大搖大擺闖進你的身體。一旦躲過排毒器官的驅趕、免疫系統的追捕,...

作者:Shurter, Robert L.

EFFECTIVE LETTERS IN BUSINESS by ROBERT L. SHURTER. Preface: This book is infeqjfed to present the fundamental principles of the major types of biismesS letters and to assist the student or corresp...

作者:Ferro, Antonino/ Slotkin, Philip (TRN)

Is psychoanalysis a type of literature? Can telling 'stories' help us to get at the truth?Psychoanalysis as Therapy and Storytelling examines psychoanalysis from two perspectives - as a cure for ps...

作者:Fedoseev, Vlad

From the very first lines of this account, it seems fair to note, with all due respect to our Emegean race, that earthlings are really quite amusing creatures by nature. Oddly enough, but it often ...

作者:Durschmied, Erik

What is a witch? A woman (usually), unimaginably old, with streaming grey hair, who rides the air on her broom and devours little children. We can take it for granted that this type of witch doesn'...

作者:Davies, J. B.

The book presents the conclusions of a psychologist seeking to make sense of contemporary particle physics as described in a number of popular science texts and media articles, written by physicist...

作者:Ferro, Antonino/ Slotkin, Philip (TRN)

Is psychoanalysis a type of literature? Can telling 'stories' help us to get at the truth?Psychoanalysis as Therapy and Storytelling examines psychoanalysis from two perspectives - as a cure for ps...

作者:Dickens, Charles/ Hische, Jessica (ILT)

From A to Z, the Penguin Drop Caps series collects 26 unique hardcovers--featuring cover art by type superstar Jessica Hische It all begins with a letter. Fall in love with Penguin Drop Caps, a new...

作者:Drake, Robert Agnew

To live and die The what and why Of life... Of death... Is the curse of consciousness Epicurus has been given a bum rap by historians. He was not the self indulgent Bacchus Wasted by the endless pu...

作者:Anders, Ted/ Mone, Michelle (FRW)

It's no secret that life can be hard. The emotional pain that comes with being human is often met with sadness, depression, loneliness, anger, or even rage. These reactions lead to more pain, and s...

