【問題】SFTS virus?推薦回答


  ★英國與美國亞馬遜4.5顆星評鑑   ★世界病毒學權威瑪莉蓮‧盧辛克博士剖析101種最迷人的病毒,揭露其感染途徑、發展史、相關疾病、預防與治療方法   ★以上色照片呈現病毒樣貌,異常美豔!看待病毒的眼光從此改變!   ★知己知彼:揭露人類歷史上最恐怖的敵人──病毒──的真實樣貌   ★鑑往知來:預防病毒捲土重來,後疫情生活自保最佳指南     這本絕美的圖鑑為讀者提供一個珍稀的機會,可以...

作者:Levy, Paul

Paul Levy is a pioneer in the field of spiritual emergence and a Tibetan Buddhist practitioner for more than 35 years. He is the founder of the Awakening in the Dream Community in Portland, Oregon,...


作者:Schiesser, William E.

William E. Schiesser is Emeritus McCann Professor of Computational Biomedical Engineering, Biomolecular and Chemical Engineering, and Professor of Mathematics at Lehigh University.


1997年,香港禽流感大爆發;2003年,致命SARS病毒繃緊全人類的死亡神經 2009年,豬流感已迅速席捲美國10個州、墨西哥死亡人數持續攀升 2020年,新型冠狀病毒引起的新型肺炎自中國武漢爆發 事實上,1976年就發生過第一起感染豬流行性感冒病毒死亡的病例,當時還引發了全美警戒、極力防止1918年造成千萬人喪命的流感再度發生,這之中有什麼可怕的相似度? 1918年,一場可怕的疾病橫...


Dmitrij Frishman is Professor for Bioinformatics at Munich Technical University (TUM)Manuela Marz is Professor for High-Throughput Sequencing Analysis at Friedrich Schiller University Jena

作者:Keillor, Garrison

Garrison Keillor, born in Anoka, Minnesota, in 1942, is an essayist, columnist, blogger, and writer of sonnets, songs, and limericks, whose novel Pontoon the New York Times said was "a tough-minded...


Sharad Kumar Kulshreshtha is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Tourism and Hotel Management, North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong-Meghalaya, India. With more than 15 years of teaching ...

作者:Nooteboom, Cees

Cees Nooteboom is one of Europe’s leading living authors. His poetry, novels and, travel literature have been translated into many languages. Several of his books, including Light Everywhere and Mo...

作者:Rooney, Anne

Anne Rooney studied at Trinity College, Cambridge, where she gained a PhD in an obscure topic and soon after became a full-time writer. She now writes for adults and children, mostly on science and...

