【問題】Staphylococcus lugdunensis treatment?推薦回答


Lucas Meili, is working as Full Professor in the Center of Technology at Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL), Maceió, Alagoas, Brazil. Prof. Meili graduated in Chemical Engineering at Federal Univ...


本套書組合:《痠痛拉筋解剖書(升級增訂版)》+《痠痛拉筋解剖書2:運動傷害復健書》     《痠痛拉筋解剖書(升級增訂版)》      暢銷20萬冊,大幅增修升級版!   博客來、金石堂、誠品──健康保健類長銷No.1   痠痛拉筋必備聖典,上萬讀者熱烈迴響:   「只要照著書上的動作自己拉筋,就能獲得深層的放鬆,   家裡一定要有這本書!」     找出疼痛源頭,5分鐘舒通關鍵肌群,徹底擺...

作者:Who Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean

This guide provides step-by-step guidance on the development of a national substance use treatment information system. The goal is to generate data on the individual characteristics and patterns of...

作者:Gail SteketeeRandy O. Frost

  人和財物的關係可以從純實用性至強烈的情感。對大多數人來說,個人財物是一種安全感、舒適及快樂的來源,但當一個人失去了從個人財物中分辨哪些是有用的和有價值的能力時,這些物品會猶如監獄般令他們的生活複雜化。那些囤積症個案丟棄不需要的物品時,不僅是痛苦的,並且也是情緒上的考驗。他們所累積的髒亂干擾了他們自身的功能,並為身邊的人帶來負面的影響。     本書是超過20年研究的集合,用於理解囤積並針...


Previous publications in the Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology series co-edited by Prof. ​Arnold von Eckardstein: Atherosclerosis: Diet and Drugs, 2005, Arnold von Eckardstein; High Density Lip...


接納自己,接受生命     在強迫症患者的世界觀當中,他認為「錯」是一個不應該存在的東西,應該極力避免,且能不犯就不犯,甚至在想像力的推波助瀾下,犯錯簡直就是萬惡淵藪,會導致人生毁滅、家族敗亡、世界末日。     一個實驗的錯誤成就了抗生素盤尼西林的偉大發現,一個航程的錯誤導致了美麗新大陸的發現,一場錯誤的邂逅造就了隽永的愛情故事,一個以為錯誤的配方促成了經典的美食;古今中外,有多少當下我們...


Previous publications in the Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology series co-edited by Prof. ​Arnold von Eckardstein: Atherosclerosis: Diet and Drugs, 2005, Arnold von Eckardstein; High Density Lip...

作者:Izydorczyk, Bernadetta

Bernadetta Izydorczyk is a professor at the Institute of Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow.


Srabanti Ghosh received her PhD degree in Chemistry from UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific Research, Kolkata Centre, and Jadavpur University, India and completed postdoctoral programs at the Univer...


Prof. Pradeep VermaProf. Verma completed his PhD from Sardar Patel University Gujarat, India in 2002. In the same year he was selected as UNESCO fellow and joined Czech Academy of Sciences Prague, ...

作者:Perkinson, Robert R.,Jongsma, Arthur E.,Bruce, Timothy J.

