【問題】Wernicke encephalopathy MRI?推薦回答


作者:Pinker-Domenig, Katja,Mann, Ritse,Partridge, Savannah

作者:Wu, Dee


Yong Yang obtained his PhD in Physical Chemistry from Xiamen University in 1992. Except for a one-year (1997-1998) academic visit at Oxford University, he has been working in the State Key Laborato...

作者:Powers, Stephen J.

Stephen J. Powers, BSTR (R), (CT), (MR) has more than 20 years of classroom, lecture and clinical instructor experience. He is currently an MR Technologist for South Coast Hospital Systems, and for...

作者:Powers, Stephen J.

Stephen J. Powers, BSTR (R), (CT), (MR) is currently an MR Technologist for South Coast Hospital Systems in the USA, and former MRI Clinical Applications Specialist for General Electric Health Care...

作者:Kiselev, Valerij G.,Novikov, Dmitry S.

作者:D’Aprile, Paola,Tarantino, Alfredo

Dr. Paola D’Aprile graduated in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Bari, Italy, and subsequently specialized in Neurology and Radiology. She is currently Director of the department of Radi...

作者:Wernicke, Maria


作者:Wernicke, Marian O’Shea

