【問題】What does polio do to legs?推薦回答

作者:Singletary, Michelle

MICHELLE SINGLETARY writes an award-winning personal finance column for the Washington Post called "The Color of Money," which appears in more than thirty newspapers across the country. The author ...

作者:Perkel, Jenny

Jenny Perkel is a Cape Town-based clinical psychologist in private practice. She is the author of Babies in Mind (2008).

作者:Tessa West

  For anyone pulling their hair out over an irritating colleague who's not technically breaking any rules, a hilarious guide to getting difficult people off your back from NYU psychology professor ...

作者:Keech, Pippa


Founded in 1990, Summersdale is a vibrant publisher that puts its heart and soul into creating exceptional books. They swiftly respond to emerging technology and trends, provide entertaining, infor...

作者:Buckingham, Marcus

Marcus Buckingham is a New York Times bestselling author, global researcher, and thought leader focused on unlocking people’s strengths, improving their performance, and pioneering the future of ho...

作者:National Geographic

One of the world’s leading nonfiction publishers, NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC has published more than 1,700 titles, featuring such categories as history, travel, nature, photography, space, science, health...

作者:Greg McKeown

  暢銷百萬冊著作《少,但是更好》作者最新目標實踐指南   獻給想實現目標、衝破瓶頸,卻欲振乏力的你        你是否自覺已到了過勞臨界點?        你是否感覺凡事都比過去更難解?        你想做出更多貢獻,但精疲力竭?        你急速向前,卻發現離目標更遠?     "在人盡過勞的世界裡,麥基昂的作品格外重要"---《紐約時報》暢銷作家Daniel H. Pink  ...

作者:O’Connor, Rory

Rory O’Connor is a Professor of Health Psychology at the University of Glasgow where he leads the Suicidal Behaviour Research Laboratory. He is a world leader on suicide research and prevention and...

作者:Zajonc, Donna

Donna Zajonc, MCC is Director of Coaching for The Center for The Empowerment Dynamic. She served three terms in the Oregon Legislature and was her party’s nominee for Secretary of State. Deeply cur...

作者:Julie Zhuo

  踏入管理階層新手村?這裡有些實用參考!   身為臉書產品副總的Julie Zhuo,在25歲時,首次晉階管理職務,然而從被管到管人這中間的大轉換,讓她升職的欣喜飛快消散,變成各種壓力與不知所措。   回顧自己的職涯體驗,不同於市面上各種進階的管理策略、領導統御,而是如實的給第一次接下管理任務的小主管馬上能夠參考運用的建議:如何在團隊中建立信服卻又不頤指氣使、如何讓團隊理解目標,練習協...

作者:Dockery, David S.

David S. Dockery is Distinguished Professor of Theology, theologian--in--residence, and special consultant to the president at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is the author and editor...

作者:Perkel, Jenny

Jenny Perkel is a Cape Town-based clinical psychologist in private practice. She is the author of Babies in Mind (2008).

