
作者:Yang, Gene Luen

  Gene Luen Yang was the fifth the National Ambassador for Young People's Literature and is a MacArthur Fellow, a recipient of what's popularly known as the MacArthur "Genius" Grant.   A tour-de-f...

作者:Ngan, Lucille Lok,Kwok-Bun, Chan

The book explains how multi-generational Australian-born Chinese (ABC) negotiate the balance of two cultures. It explores both the philosophical and theoretical levels, focusing on deconstructing a...

作者:Ngan, Lucille Lok-sun/ Kwok-bun, Chan

The book explains how multi-generational Australian-born Chinese (ABC) negotiate the balance of two cultures. It explores both the philosophical and theoretical levels, focusing on deconstructing a...


超人氣韓語名師金玟志, 集結多年教學經驗、為國人量身打造、上課或自學均適用的《大家的韓國語 初級1》, 累積銷售破萬!堂堂推出全新修訂版!   ◆本書四大主軸,打造最完美的韓語學習教材!      市面上的韓語教材這麼多,為什麼唯獨金玟志老師出的《大家的韓國語 初級1》詢問度最高?答案很簡單,因為這是第一本、也是唯一一本為國人量身訂作的韓語教材。      金玟志老師教學經驗豐富,所以最懂...


韓國人、外國留學生首選,韓國第一學府「首爾大學」! 2013年全新韓語教材!韓國、台灣同步上市!!   台灣韓語學習教材第一首選!   首爾大學教材最高原則:聽說讀寫一次融會貫通!   獨家首創「韓英雙語互動光碟」,輕鬆打造自學韓語環境   全新內容、全彩頁面、生活化、實用性教學,最適合韓語初學者使用!   ※關於首爾大學韓國語教材:   總共分成六個級數,每級共有A、B兩...

作者:Gong, Sasha

From the Foreword by Anne Thurston: "Born American" will warm the heart of every American who reads it. It is the story of Sasha Gong's long journey home. Sasha was born not in the United States bu...

作者:Feldman, David


華語教學最權威──國立臺灣師範大學國語教學中心 編寫開發 最符合當代華語學習趨勢的教學用書 讓中文課程走出新的未來、新的視野   系列規劃   全系列教材共六冊,為全方位訓練學生華語能力的教材。前三冊以口語訓練為主,後三冊開始進入書面語訓練。   第一冊著重在實際日常生活對話運用,第二冊開始輔以短文閱讀,第三冊則從長篇對話進入書面語及篇章的訓練,第四冊以篇章方式對書面語做更進一步的...

作者:Yang, Gene Luen/ Pien, Lark (ILT)

Gene Luen Yang is the National Ambassador for Young People's Literature and is a MacArthur Fellow, a recipient of what's popularly known as the MacArthur "Genius" Grant.A tour-de-force by New York ...

作者:Blendstrup, Angelika

Great leaders have been the stuff of many business books over the years with authors often promising to deliver THE key ingredients that can guarantee the readers success in their own careers. As ...

