【問題】binge watch用法?推薦回答

作者:Jester, David

David Jester works as a freelance writer, that is, when he’s not busy penning his next novel or short story. He has been writing for as long as he can remember, with his first short story published...


  ★題題詳解,加以「生活化案例」輔助理解艱澀抽象的法條文義,讓您於解題過程中享受「啊....原來如此」的暢快感!考前大量演練本書收錄之1,588題,再善用「主題式」題題詳解,就能精準鎖定各章弱點、加強學習。讀者如能循此方法、堅定執行,必可於法緒一科拿到讓自己滿意的高分!★   這本書從籌備到完成前後歷時約一年多的時間,想要從另一個角度的整理讓考生在準備考試時能夠花較少的時間獲取高分,以往...

作者:Atkins, Ace

Robert B. Parker was the author of seventy books, including the legendary Spenser detective series, the novels featuring Police Chief Jesse Stone, and the acclaimed Virgil Cole-Everett Hitch Wester...

作者:Hall, Tamron

作者:Coupland, Douglas

DOUGLAS COUPLAND is a Canadian writer, visual artist and designer. His first novel is the 1991 international bestseller Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture, still celebrated for its biti...

作者:Asibong, Andrew

Andrew Asibong, PhD, is a psychotherapist and film theorist. He is a member of the Tavistock Society of Psychotherapists and a registrant of the British Psychoanalytic Council.

作者:Tchaikovsky, Adrian

Adrian Tchaikovsky is the author of the critically acclaimed Shadows of the Apt series, the Echoes of the Fall series and other novels, novellas and short stories. The Tiger and the Wolf won the Br...

作者:Asibong, Andrew

Andrew Asibong, PhD, is a psychotherapist and film theorist. He is a member of the Tavistock Society of Psychotherapists and a registrant of the British Psychoanalytic Council.

作者:Gilbert, J. J.

J. J. Gilbert has worked in Hollywood for most of his life as a director, animator, producer, and storyboard artist for companies such as Walt Disney Studios, and has been bringing mice (and other ...


  日本「山的魅力」代言者   《PEAKS》登山誌「登山裝備研究所」精選內容   「為日新月異的登山裝備書立下的新標準!」      帳篷是家、睡袋是床、爐具是廚房,日常生活的道具做得更小、更輕量、可以隨身帶著走,還能抵禦山上的風雨,就是所謂的登山裝備。      「備有登山裝備,山林將再次成為人類的生活場所。這便是挑選、使用這些裝備的樂趣。」      從背包/登山鞋等基本用品、帳篷...

作者:長田佳子立道嶺央田中博子ムラヨシマサユキ今井洋子原 亜樹子

加入香料後散發獨特風味的馬芬、 飄著咖啡香和酒香的馬芬、 養生的馬芬、可以當成正餐的鹹馬芬…… 各式各樣口味創新又獨特的馬芬, 讓您體驗前所未有的味覺新定義!   ★豪華的老師群傾囊相授   長田佳子、立道嶺央、田中博子、ムラヨシマサユキ、今井洋子、原 亜樹子,六位甜點大師本身擁有豐富的教學經驗以及食譜作品,在本書中,他們將發揮各家本領,教您做出創意無限的馬芬! 本書特色   ☆加入香...


說到介系詞,你也有這些苦惱嗎? 「所以這裡到底要用哪個啊?」 「後面接地點,所以我 in、on、at 要用哪個啊?」 「換個介系詞,意思就變了,這樣誰背得完啦!」   其實要用哪個介系詞是有道理的! 只要從根本理解最核心的起源概念,就能知道所有意義與用法 情境變換也不怕用錯!     透過角色圖鑑搞懂介系詞最原始的核心概念,   就能輕鬆掌握所有意義及使用方法,   不用刻意死背、碰到沒學過...

作者:Gilbert, J. J.

J. J. Gilbert has worked in Hollywood for most of his life as a director, animator, producer, and storyboard artist for companies such as Walt Disney Studios, and has been bringing mice (and other ...


看懂英文單字≠會用英文表達! 使用英文,無視外國人的習慣隨便亂搭配單字, 就像兩腳穿錯鞋,既怪異又尷尬! 「大雨」=heavy rain(不是 big rain) 「濃茶」=strong tea(不是 heavy tea) 「接電話」=answer the phone(不是 receive the phone)   我這樣搭配英文單字正確嗎?   字典的搭配範例少,想確認卻老是找不到!  ...


  兔里一行人終於抵達了旅程的最終目的地‧獸人國度。     獸人們擁有長年來遭人類欺壓的慘痛歷史,因此極為憎恨人類。在這樣的國度,兔里必須履行與天瑚之間的重要約定──『幫助昏迷不醒的天瑚母親』。     想當然耳,獸人們並不怎麼歡迎他們,卻意外乾脆地帶領兔里來到天瑚母親‧歌湖所沉睡的房間。兔里對她施展了治癒魔法,卻發現她身上藏著意想不到的秘密。     歌湖昏迷不醒...

