【問題】colorectal cancer中文發音?推薦回答


超人氣韓語名師金玟志, 集結多年教學經驗、為國人量身打造、上課或自學均適用的《大家的韓國語》, 累積銷售破萬!堂堂推出全新修訂版!     ◆本書三大主軸,打造最完美的韓語學習教材!   市面上的韓語教材這麼多,為什麼唯獨金玟志老師出的《大家的韓國語》詢問度最高?答案很簡單,因為這是第一本、也是唯一一本為國人量身訂作的韓語教材。   金玟志老師的教學經驗豐富,所以最懂得國人韓語學習上的...


超人氣韓語名師金玟志, 集結多年教學經驗、為國人量身打造、上課或自學均適用的《大家的韓國語 初級1》, 累積銷售破萬!堂堂推出全新修訂版!   ◆本書四大主軸,打造最完美的韓語學習教材!      市面上的韓語教材這麼多,為什麼唯獨金玟志老師出的《大家的韓國語 初級1》詢問度最高?答案很簡單,因為這是第一本、也是唯一一本為國人量身訂作的韓語教材。      金玟志老師教學經驗豐富,所以最懂...

作者:May, Brian H.

作者:Yu, Rencun/ Hai, Hong

Significant advances made by Western medicine in the treatment of cancer are well-documented, but there has been much less written in English on complementary holistic treatment with Chinese medica...

作者:Hudson, Anita/ Cheung, Naomi/ Hudson, Oliver

As a breast cancer patient six years ago, it is my pleasure to translate this book 'My Nanny has Cancer' into Chinese so that more Chinese family suffering form cancer would be benefited from this ...

作者:Lahans, Tai

Cancers are on the rise across the world. Except for viral-based cancers, overall cancers are diseases that may be preventable. This book looks at the many levels of determined, probable, and possi...

作者:Lahans, Tai

Cancers are on the rise across the world. Except for viral-based cancers, overall cancers are diseases that may be preventable. This book looks at the many levels of determined, probable, and possi...

作者:Rencun, Yu/ Hai, Hong

Significant advances made by Western medicine in the treatment of cancer are well-documented, but little has been written in English on complementary holistic treatment with Chinese medical methods...

作者:Cho, William C. S. (EDT)

Cancer is a chronic disease. There are increasing cancer survivors after curative cancer treatment and this makes supportive cancer care an important area that more attention is needed. Chinese med...

作者:Lahans, Tai

This new clinical resource clearly explains how to approach integrated care in a way that combines Chinese herbal medicine with Western medicine to enhance and improve medical care for patients wit...


文法書讀了十幾本,還是分不清謙讓語跟敬語嗎? 會話課上了數百小時,遇見韓國人還是連話都說不清楚嗎? 想寫篇文章,提起筆還是不知道該如何下手嗎? 那是因為你沒遇到中、韓文精通的張莉荃(Angela)老師!     韓語名師第一本韓語學習書,   從「韓語40音」,到「會話」、「文法」、「單字」,   只要靠一本書,就能「韓國語,一學就上手」!     發音該怎麼學,才能說得道地?   跟著An...

