
作者:Montalvo, Juan Carlos Zúñiga

作者:Montalvo, Juan Carlos Zúñiga

作者:Zúñiga-galindo, W. A.

Focusing on p-adic and adelic analogues of pseudodifferential equations, this monograph presents a very general theory of parabolic-type equations and their Markov processes motivated by their conn...

作者:Khrennikov, Andrei Yu./ Kozyrev, Sergei V./ Zúñiga-galindo, W. A.

作者:Iga, Mamoru/ Shneidman, Edwin S. (FRW)/ Reynolds, David K. (FRW)

Japanese society is frequently held up to the Western world as a model of harmony and efficiency, but the price it pays tends to be overlooked. In a searching analysis that will fascinate students ...

作者:Lehman, Iga Maria

This book presents a case study of student-writers from multiple cultural and academic backgrounds. It investigates how writing, as an act of identity, can be analyzed along an axis of individual a...

作者:Zuñiga, Alvaro

作者:Martínez-Guerra, Rafael,Meléndez-Vázquez, Fidel,Trejo-Zúñiga, Iván

Rafael Martínez-Guerra earned his Ph.D. degree from Metropolitan Autonomous University (UAM) in 1996. Currently, he is a researcher at the Automatic Control Department of the Center for Research an...

作者:Zúñiga, C. L.

作者:Zamora Saiz, Alfonso,Zúñiga-Rojas, Ronald A.

Alfonso Zamora Saiz is a Professor at the School of Computer Science Engineering, Technical University of Madrid, Spain. Holding a PhD in algebraic geometry from the Complutense University of Madri...


  急、慢性腎小球腎炎是危害人們身體健康的常見病、多發病,特別是慢性腎炎,由於其發病原因及發病機理迄今尚未完全清楚,導致其臨床治癒率、緩解率較低,給患者帶來極大痛苦,甚至危及生命。  近幾十年來,中醫工作者採用辨證論治觀點,對急、慢性腎小球腎炎進行了多方深入細緻的探討,運用中醫藥治療,取得了顯著的療效。    進一步推動中醫藥在急、慢性腎炎治療上的運用,造福廣大患者,本書收集當代醫家診治腎炎...

