【問題】rocky mountain spotted fever中文?推薦回答

作者:Wunder, John R./ Zhu, Liping (FRW)

Some half million Chinese immigrants settled in the American West in the nineteenth century. In spite of their vital contributions to the economy in gold mining, railroad construction, the founding...


韓國人、外國留學生首選,韓國第一學府「首爾大學」! 2013年全新韓語教材!韓國、台灣同步上市!!   台灣韓語學習教材第一首選!   首爾大學教材最高原則:聽說讀寫一次融會貫通!   獨家首創「韓英雙語互動光碟」,輕鬆打造自學韓語環境   全新內容、全彩頁面、生活化、實用性教學,最適合韓語初學者使用!   ※關於首爾大學韓國語教材:   總共分成六個級數,每級共有A、B兩...

作者:Grant, Joanna

A Chinese Physician is the portrait of a 16th century medical writer and clinical practitioner. Drawing on socio-economic/biographic, textual, and gender analysis along side a variety of sources, f...

作者:Chang, Gordon H.

"Gripping . . . Chang has accomplished the seemingly impossible . . . He has written a remarkably rich, human, and compelling story of the railroad Chinese." -- Peter Cozzens, Wall Street JournalA ...

作者:Wills, John E., Jr.

Through biographies of China's most colorful and famous personalities, John Wills displays the five-thousand-year sweep of Chinese history from the legendary sage emperors to the tragedy of Tiananm...

作者:Wong, David H. T./ Lim, Imogene L., Ph.D. (INT)/ Luke, Bettie (CON)/ So, Connie C., Dr. (CON)

This is a vivid graphic history of the Chinese experience in North America over the last 150 years, beginning with the immigration of Chinese to "Gold Mountain" (the Chinese colloquialism for North...

作者:Ling, Huping

Surviving on the Gold Mountain is the first comprehensive work on Chinese American women's history covering the past 150 years. Relying on archival documents (many of which have never been used), o...

作者:Jung, John

A social history of the role of the Chinese laundry on the survival of early Chinese immigrants in the U.S.during the Chinese Exclusion law period, 1882-1943, and in Canada during the years of the ...

作者:Nyiri, Pal

Twenty years ago, commercial tourism in the People's Republic of China hardly existed. Today, China has a burgeoning tourist industry, characterized by a unique style with deep roots in traditional...


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  One of the most famous and popular of Jin Yong's works, Fox Volant of the Snowy Mountain is a riveting martial arts tale enmeshed in intrigue, action, and suspense. Set in 1781 Manchuria during t...


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