
作者:Sutherland, Suzanne

2016 Young Author's Award -- Shortlisted CCBC's Best Books for Kids & Teens (Fall 2015) - CommendedInstead of writing in a diary, twelve-year-old Jo Waller secretly edits Wikipedia entries to cope ...

作者:Truesdell, Ann

Wikis can bring people from around the world together to collaborate on online projects. Wikis also offer a great opportunity to practice using technology to produce and publishing writing. Readers...

作者:Bocconi, Stefania (EDT)/ Trentin, Guglielmo (EDT)

作者:Collins, Rod

Command-and-control may have once been an effective model in managing the large numbers of cookie-cutter clones that business programs were producing faster than anyone could say "MBA," but the rap...

作者:Not Available (NA)

作者:Truesdell, Ann

Wikis can bring people from around the world together to collaborate on online projects. Wikis also offer a great opportunity to practice using technology to produce and publishing writing. Readers...


  本書問題涵括世界各地風俗、地理、動物、科學等各層面,不但能滿足你無窮的好奇求知欲,更可讓你在Party上打敗無聊、製造歡樂笑聲,打開話匣子,變成大受歡迎的非~常識達人喔! 本書特色   不怕你問笨問題,只怕你找不到答案!   不管是冷的熱的、有趣的無聊的、kuso瘋狂的,各種包羅萬象的常識與非常識,什麼543都有!   一顆蘋果的落地成就了牛頓,同時開展物理學的新里程碑,誰說笨問題沒價值...

作者:Cummings, Robert E. (EDT)/ Barton, Matt (EDT)

When most people think of wikis, the first---and usually the only---thing that comes to mind is Wikipedia. The editors of Wiki Writing: Collaborative Learning in the College Classroom, Robert E. Cu...


一次擁有20幾位留學者求學經驗,超優質、超划算!留學博覽會裡問不到的事,20幾位作者一次傳授給你!給滿腔熱血,卻彷徨不知方向的你,邁開步伐出走的勇氣!   築夢要踏實,你絕對不能錯過這二本好書!  拋開一切畏懼多方嘗試、勇敢犯錯與為自己下決定,  才能成就不凡!汲取多位作者的豐富經驗,  讓心中潛藏未發的夢想正式啟航!   「人在不斷的挫折、愚蠢的決定,甚至不斷的犯錯中,才能學會如何成長、決...

作者:Noveck, Beth Simone

Beth Simone Noveck is professor of law and director of the Institute for Information Law and Policy at New York Law School and a visiting professor at Stanford University. She advised the Obama-Bid...

