

  第一本由國內執業三十年的資深放射腫瘤科醫生執筆的放射癌症治療處方,  打破一般人對放射線治療的迷思,提供更多更先進的治療觀念!   大多數人對放射線治療,仍有很多誤解。在醫療領域,放射腫瘤科也常被「邊緣化」,經常變成是手術及化療之後的「輔助治療」。然而,放射腺治療有其有效性及必要性,若能善加利用、妥善規畫治療計畫(時程及照射劑量),將對癌症病人的健康有很大助益。   事實上,現在已經是四...

作者:Harvey, Mary R. (EDT)/ Tummala-Narra, Pratyusha, Ph.D. (EDT)

Examine the resiliency capacities of traumatized individuals and communitiesSources and Expressions of Resiliency in Trauma Survivors provides a framework for understanding how-and why-resiliency i...

作者:Barber, Jacques P./ Wiseman, Hadas

This book discusses the echoes of the trauma that are traced in the relational narratives that the sons and daughters of Holocaust survivors tell about their experiences growing up in survivor fami...

