【問題】臍帶血 流 S D?推薦回答

作者:Quarstein, John V.

Born in 1800 in Southampton County, Virginia, Nat Turner was one of millions of enslaved persons of African descent in the United States. Encouraged to learn to read and write, Turner immersed hims...

作者:Johnson, Alan

Alan Johnson is Professor of English at Idaho State University, USA. He is the author of Out of Bounds: Anglo-Indian Literature and the Geography of Displacement (2001) and articles on topics rangi...

作者:J.J. 亞伯拉罕道格‧道斯特

這輩子或許還有機會讀到更好的故事, 但再也不會有任何一本書 能讓我從閱讀中得到如此純粹的快樂。 ——亞馬遜書店讀者   ★鬼才編導J. J.亞伯拉罕首部小說創作,美國首刷20萬冊火速斷貨   ★擊敗丹布朗《地獄》,獲亞馬遜讀者選為「最想擁有的小說」   ★破天荒以仿舊質感呈現小說頁面、真實字跡書寫主角交換留言、收錄23個小說專屬配件,引發圖書館抗議:此書只能收藏,無法提供借閱!   ...

作者:Quindlen, Kelly

作者:Smith, Joan F.

Joan F. Smith lives with her family in Massachusetts, where she works as an associate dean, a creative writing professor, and a dance instructor. She received her MFA in creative writing from Emers...

作者:Maurer, Kevin


Paul Sugarman is an actor, editor, writer, and teacher of Shakespeare. He is founder of the Instant Shakespeare Company, which presents annual readings of all of Shakespeare’s plays in New York Cit...

作者:Gotto, Lisa

Lisa Gotto (Prof. Dr. phil.) is professor of film theory at the University of Vienna. She specializes in the fields of film history, film theory, and digital media culture. Her main research areas ...

作者:Rafiq, Fiaz

Fiaz Rafiq is a sports and entertainment journalist and author. After 15 years writing for bestselling magazine Martial Arts Illustrated (MAI) and contributing to magazines such as MMA Uncaged, Fig...

作者:Ellcock, Stephen,Gordon, Adam

Stephen Ellcock is a London-based online collector and curator of images, writer, researcher and former musician and bookseller who spends most of his time nowadays creating an ever-expanding, virt...

