【問題】DKA Tiny note?推薦回答

作者:Meister, Cari

Cari Meister, author of all the books in the Tiny series, the My Pony Jack series, and the picture book Luther’s Halloween, lives on a farm in Minetrista, Minnesota, with her husband, four sons, po...

作者:Matheson, Christie

作者:Meister, Cari

Cari Meister, author of all the books in the Tiny series, the My Pony Jack series, and the picture book Luther’s Halloween, lives on a farm in Minetrista, Minnesota, with her husband, four sons, po...

作者:Ludwig, Sue

作者:Flint, Katy

博學音樂家聖桑,把樂音當畫筆,音符作為顏料, 運用樂器,傳神地描繪出動物們的姿態。 Story Orchestra精裝繪本,畫風細緻,樂聲悠揚, 邀您翻開書頁,體驗別出心裁的動物狂歡節。     The Story Orchestra音樂故事繪本,讓讀者在書中讀到音樂、也在音樂中聽到故事。繼韋瓦第《四季》音樂故事、柴可夫斯基的《胡桃鉗》、《睡美人》和《天鵝湖》音樂故事,這一次將...

作者:Nosy Crow

Jannie Ho was born in Hong Kong and raised in Philadelphia. She studied at Parsons the New School for Design in New York. After working as a graphic designer and an art director at Nickelodeon, Sch...

作者:Korenstein, Hope

Hope Korenstein loves food, so she learned how to cook. She is an attorney by day and an intrepid home cook by night. Jennifer Silverberg is an editorial and commercial photographer who specializes...


 一本作品集 是發想力、編輯力與執行力的紙上展演 更是決定職業生涯的關鍵   前日本奧美創意總監飯田佳樹 集結30年業界經歷 從製作者與錄用者角度同步剖析 38個要點一次掌握概念、編輯、閱讀節奏到面試技巧的設計訣竅   ﹝購買實體書附送飯田總監監製,PORTFOLIO IDEA NOTE創意筆記本﹞   片岡朗(日本知名字型設計師) 天野幾雄(國際平面設計大師) 林唯哲 (選選研設計總監) ...

作者:Foitzik, Susanne,Fritsche, Olaf

Susanne Foitzik is an evolutionary biologist, behavioral scientist, and international authority on ants. After completing her PhD in ant evolution and behavior and conducting postdoctoral work in t...

作者:Insight Editions

Insight Editions is a publisher of illustrated books on photography, music, and popular culture. Elegant and informative, their books showcase the best of art, photography, and design in exquisite ...


作者:Kolomycka, Berenika

Berenika Kolomycka is a comics author, sketch artist, sculptor, and graphic artist. She graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw and earned the Grand Prix for comics at the International F...

