【問題】Infectious mononucleosis uptodate?推薦回答

作者:Perl, Trish M.

Written by authorities in infectious disease and disaster preparedness, this one-stop resource covers the relevant theoretical, historical, and pragmatic considerations of viral outbreaks and biote...

作者:Valdivia-granda, Willy (EDT)

The main purpose of Genomic and Computational Tools for Infectious Diseases is to systematically present to the reader with a description and review of the principles, methodology, applications, an...

作者:Saad, Gad

Gad Saad, Ph.D. (Montreal, Canada), host of the popular YouTube show The Saad Truth and blogger for Psychology Today, is a professor of marketing at the John Molson School of Business at Concordia ...


從登革熱到禽流感,從SARS到愛滋病 起源、發病症狀、預防及治療方法、散播地區……圖文解析!     2015年夏天,登革熱在台南疫情失控,全台43,000人確診,造成212人死亡   2015年五月,中東呼吸道綜合症(MERS)在韓國延燒,奪走35命,重挫觀光業   2014年三月,伊波拉病毒在西非爆發,死亡人數超過10,000人,造成全球恐慌   2015年初,香港傳出大規模流感(H3N...

作者:Tregoning, John

Dr John S. Tregoning is a scientist and researcher whose work focuses on how viruses and bacteria infect the lungs. He is currently reader in respiratory infections at Imperial College London, wher...

作者:Cunha, Cheston B.

Cheston B. Cunha is Assistant Professor of Medicine at Brown University Alpert School of Medicine. He is also Medical Director of the Rhode Island Hospital and Miriam Hospital Antimicrobial Steward...


Bruce Smoller, MD is Chair, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Professor, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Professor, Department of Dermatology. Dr. Smoller began his ...


Dr. PRAVEEN AGARWAL has been actively involved in research as well as pedagogical activities for the last 20 years. His major research interests include special functions, fractional calculus, nume...

作者:Kenny, Charles

Charles Kenny is a writer-researcher at the Center for Global Development and has worked on policy reforms in global health as well as UN peacekeeping and combating international financial corrupti...


Jennifer C. Owen, Associate Professor, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Michigan State University, USA, Dana M. Hawley, Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Virginia Tech University, ...

作者:Forgey, William W.

Veteran outdoors author William W. Forgey, MD is a full-time practitioner of family medicine and is also a member of the board of trustees of the International Association for Medical Assistance to...


Davis M. Walsh is a litigation partner at McGuireWoods LLP in the Products, Environmental, and Mass Tort department. Samuel L. Tarry Jr. is a litigation partner at McGuireWoods LLP and former chair...


Li HongjunBeijing Youan HospitalBeijing, ChinaShinong PanShengjing Hospital of China Medical UniversityShenyang, ChinaJun ZhouShenyang Fourth People’s HospitalShenyang, China

