【問題】gastric cancer中文?推薦回答

作者:May, Brian H.

作者:Lahans, Tai

This new clinical resource clearly explains how to approach integrated care in a way that combines Chinese herbal medicine with Western medicine to enhance and improve medical care for patients wit...

作者:Hudson, Anita/ Cheung, Naomi/ Hudson, Oliver

As a breast cancer patient six years ago, it is my pleasure to translate this book 'My Nanny has Cancer' into Chinese so that more Chinese family suffering form cancer would be benefited from this ...

作者:Xuze Xujie Binwu,

作者:Lahans, Tai

Cancers are on the rise across the world. Except for viral-based cancers, overall cancers are diseases that may be preventable. This book looks at the many levels of determined, probable, and possi...

作者:Lahans, Tai

Cancers are on the rise across the world. Except for viral-based cancers, overall cancers are diseases that may be preventable. This book looks at the many levels of determined, probable, and possi...

作者:Rencun, Yu/ Hai, Hong

Significant advances made by Western medicine in the treatment of cancer are well-documented, but little has been written in English on complementary holistic treatment with Chinese medical methods...

作者:Yu, Rencun/ Hai, Hong

Significant advances made by Western medicine in the treatment of cancer are well-documented, but there has been much less written in English on complementary holistic treatment with Chinese medica...

作者:Cho, William C. S. (EDT)

Cancer is a chronic disease. There are increasing cancer survivors after curative cancer treatment and this makes supportive cancer care an important area that more attention is needed. Chinese med...


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